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The particle swarm optimization algorithm optimizes the scale factor and quantization factor of the fuzzy PID controller

조회 수: 29 (최근 30일)
I want to use the particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize the scale factor and quantization factor of the fuzzy PID controller, how do I do that? If I want to adjust the temperature of my cabin by controlling the speed of my compressor, can I set the difference between the actual temperature of the cabin and the set temperature as my objective function? My optimization goal was to control the cabin temperature, so that when there was a sudden disturbance from the outside world, my cabin would fluctuate less and correspondingly faster.

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Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024년 7월 1일 5:22
You can use the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the scale factor and quantization factor of the fuzzy PID controller. The difference between the actual temperature of the cabin and the set temperature can indeed be set as your objective function.
  1. Define your objective function: Your objective function should minimize the difference between the actual temperature and the set temperature.
  2. Implement PSO: Use MATLAB 'particleswarm' function to optimize the parameters.
  3. Simulate the Fuzzy PID Controller: You need to define the 'simulateFuzzyPID' function based on your fuzzy PID controller model. This function should simulate the controller's behavior given the scale factor, quantization factor, set temperature, and time vector.
Here is an workaround example script which can help you:
function J = objectiveFunction(params, setTemp, actualTemp, time)
scaleFactor = params(1);
quantizationFactor = params(2);
simulatedTemp = simulateFuzzyPID(scaleFactor, quantizationFactor, setTemp, time);
error = setTemp - simulatedTemp;
J = sum(error.^2);
% Define the set temperature and the time vector
setTemp = 25; % Desired temperature
time = 0:0.1:100; % Time vector
% Define the bounds for the parameters [scaleFactor, quantizationFactor]
lb = [0.1, 0.1]; % Lower bounds
ub = [10, 10]; % Upper bounds
% Define the objective function handle
objFun = @(params) objectiveFunction(params, setTemp, actualTemp, time);
% Run Particle Swarm Optimization
nVars = 2; % Number of variables to optimize
options = optimoptions('particleswarm', 'Display', 'iter', 'SwarmSize', 30, 'MaxIterations', 100);
[optimalParams, optimalValue] = particleswarm(objFun, nVars, lb, ub, options);
% Display the optimal parameters
disp('Optimal Parameters:');
disp(['Scale Factor: ', num2str(optimalParams(1))]);
disp(['Quantization Factor: ', num2str(optimalParams(2))]);
% Display the optimal objective function value
disp(['Optimal Objective Function Value: ', num2str(optimalValue)]);
function simulatedTemp = simulateFuzzyPID(scaleFactor, quantizationFactor, setTemp, time)
% Implement your fuzzy PID controller simulation here
% Replace with your actual fuzzy PID controller model
I hope this helps you!
  댓글 수: 1
Ke 2024년 7월 8일 6:45
Thanks for the answer, I'll look into this code, but I thought about it for a while, and there is a question about how do I pass the results of each calculation to my simulink model if I use particle swarm optimization for optimization.

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