Wrong sine plot when styling it

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Daniele Lupo
Daniele Lupo 2024년 5월 7일
댓글: Daniele Lupo 2024년 5월 7일
I was playing with the tutorial of Matlab. I've written this code:
x = linspace(0, 2*pi);
y = sin(x);
plot(x, y)
And I obtain the right plot:
But then I use the following command:
plot(x, y, "r--")
And I obtain this weird plot:
What I'm doing wrong?
  댓글 수: 2
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 5월 7일
Let's check which plot function you're calling in each case.
x = linspace(0, 2*pi);
y = sin(x);
which plot(x, y)
built-in (/MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/graph2d/plot)
which plot(x, y, "r--")
built-in (/MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/graph2d/plot)
In particular, I'm wondering if something added an overload of plot for the string data type to the MATLAB path.
And just for completeness, what does the next line of code show and what is the output of the which call that follows it?
plot(x, y, 'r--')
which plot(x, y, 'r--')
built-in (/MATLAB/toolbox/matlab/graph2d/plot)
Daniele Lupo
Daniele Lupo 2024년 5월 7일
I close and reopened matlab and the problem does not appear anymore. I don't see anything wrong with the command history, and the which command gives me always built-in (C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2022b\toolbox\matlab\graph2d\plot)...

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