Dicomanon much faster on Windows than on Container (Ubuntu, Docker)!

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Does anybody know, why dicomanon (anonymizing DICOM images) is so much faster on Windows than on Container (Ubuntu, Docker)? When I run the same set of DICOM images with exactly the same code both on Windows and Container, it is approximately three times faster on Windows!
Thanks in advance!
Nasser Hosseini

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Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2024년 3월 28일
Maybe there are other factors like your Windows installation automatically leverages multiple cores or GPU. I have seen those user surprises especially on lab machines the user has not set up.
  댓글 수: 1
Nasser Hosseini
Nasser Hosseini 2024년 3월 28일
Thank you very much, Andreas!
I understand, there might be a lot of factors that could affect the performance such as mutiple cores, GPU, memory, hard drive, etc, but the diffrence is extremly huge. It is a little bit surprising!

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