- Adjust the rho and z arrays to match the values from your annexed file.
- Correct the calculation of g_z to ensure it reflects the gravity effect accurately.
- Update the plotting commands to match the visual style and labels shown in your annexed file.
Half-Basin of Sedimentary Deposition
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I wrote the following MATLAB code (Version R2014b) to represnt a half-basin of sedimentray deposition of seven- rock formations overlying basment rocks
close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067; % Gravitational constant
pi_value = 22/7; % Value of pi
% Define densities of rock formations and basement
rho = [2.460, 2.290, 2.500, 2.300, 2.400, 2.500, 2.570];
rho_b= 2.680; % basement rock
% Number of columns
M = length(rho);
% Depth of each rock formation in each column
z = 1:M;
z = [0.401, 0.654, 0.896, 1.274, 1.371, 2.503, 2.704];
% Calculate average density contrasts for each column
rho_av = zeros(1, M);
for i = 1:M
rho_av(i) = (sum(rho(1:i)) / i) - rho_b;
% Calculate gravity effect for each column along the profile
g_z = pi_value * G * rho_av(i) .* z;
% Plot gravity effect curve
plot(z, g_z, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Depth of rock formation');
ylabel('Gravity effect (g_z)');
title('Gravity Effect along the Profile');
grid on
% Generate colors for rock formations
colors = parula(M);
% Plot juxtaposing columns
hold on;
for i = 1:M
% Stacking rock formations within each column
y_bottom = sum(z(1:i-1)); % Calculate the bottom y-coordinate of the current column
y_top = y_bottom + z(i); % Calculate the top y-coordinate of the current column
rectangle('Position', [i-0.5, y_bottom, 1, z(i)], 'FaceColor', colors(i,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Add text labels indicating rock formation numbers enclosed within each column
text(i, y_bottom + z(i)/2, num2str(i), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'Color', 'k');
title('Juxtaposing Columns of the Basin');
xlim([0.5, M + 0.5]);
ylim([0, max(sum(z)) + depth_baement]); % Adjust ylim to accommodate basement rock
% Create custom color bar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Location = 'eastoutside';
cb.Ticks = linspace(0,1,M);
cb.TickLabels = 1:M;
cb.Label.String = 'Rock Formation';
cb.Label.FontSize = 12;
hold off;
% Reverse the vertical scale
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
% Super title
suptitle('Gravity Effect and Juxtaposing Columns');
I need help of you to modefied the above MATLAB code to give me the results as in the annexed file (as possible as)
댓글 수: 0
답변 (1개)
Abhinaya Kennedy
2024년 8월 27일
close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067; % Gravitational constant
pi_value = 22/7; % Value of pi
% Define densities of rock formations and basement
rho = [2.460, 2.290, 2.500, 2.300, 2.400, 2.500, 2.570];
rho_b = 2.680; % basement rock
% Number of columns
M = length(rho);
% Depth of each rock formation in each column
z = [0.401, 0.654, 0.896, 1.274, 1.371, 2.503, 2.704];
depth_basement = 3.700;
% Calculate average density contrasts for each column
rho_av = zeros(1, M);
for i = 1:M
rho_av(i) = (sum(rho(1:i)) / i) - rho_b;
% Calculate gravity effect for each column along the profile
g_z = pi_value * G * rho_av .* z;
% Plot gravity effect curve
plot(z, g_z, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Depth of rock formation');
ylabel('Gravity effect (g_z)');
title('Gravity Effect along the Profile');
grid on;
% Generate colors for rock formations
colors = parula(M);
% Plot juxtaposing columns
hold on;
for i = 1:M
% Stacking rock formations within each column
y_bottom = sum(z(1:i-1)); % Calculate the bottom y-coordinate of the current column
y_top = y_bottom + z(i); % Calculate the top y-coordinate of the current column
rectangle('Position', [i-0.5, y_bottom, 1, z(i)], 'FaceColor', colors(i,:), 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Add text labels indicating rock formation numbers enclosed within each column
text(i, y_bottom + z(i)/2, num2str(i), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'Color', 'k');
title('Juxtaposing Columns of the Basin');
xlim([0.5, M + 0.5]);
ylim([0, max(sum(z)) + depth_basement]); % Adjust ylim to accommodate basement rock
% Create custom color bar
cb = colorbar;
cb.Location = 'eastoutside';
cb.Ticks = linspace(0,1,M);
cb.TickLabels = 1:M;
cb.Label.String = 'Rock Formation';
cb.Label.FontSize = 12;
hold off;
% Reverse the vertical scale
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
% Super title
subtitle('Gravity Effect and Juxtaposing Columns');
댓글 수: 0
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