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Problem facing in solving xdot=Ax system when A is unstable.

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Hemanta Hazarika
Hemanta Hazarika 2024년 2월 26일
댓글: Sam Chak 2024년 2월 27일
When solving a problem using ode45 for the system A is special unstable matrix. I encountered a situation where the solution x turned out to be on the order of $10^29$. Since I'm interested in the error between two states, theoretically the error should be zero. However, up to 4 decimal places, the values of the states seems to be the same, i.e., for example, and and but e=x1x2 is not equal to zero. I understand that x1 and x2 have mismatched in decimal points, and the values are amplified by the exponent. How can I restrict these numerical instabilities? Please help.
  댓글 수: 3
Hemanta Hazarika
Hemanta Hazarika 2024년 2월 27일
function xdot=odefcn(t,x,D,A,B,K,N)
This statement is not inside any function.
(It follows the END that terminates the definition of the function "odefcn".)
A=[0 1 0;0 0 1;3 5 6];
D=[1 -1 0;-1 2 -1;0 -1 1];
%opts = odeset('AbsTol',1e-8,'RelTol',1e-4, 'MaxStep',0.01);
[t,x]=ode45(@(t,x) odefcn(t,x,D,A,B,K,N),tspan,x_0);
% In this example the erroe between x1,x4,x7 should be zero for any intial
% condition theoritically I dont able to fix why matlab thrown error to be
% high
Hemanta Hazarika
Hemanta Hazarika 2024년 2월 27일
In this case expected solution x(:,1) and x(:,4) are need to be exactly same theoritically but i am not able get from that is my concern @Paul

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채택된 답변

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024년 2월 26일
편집: Sam Chak 2024년 2월 26일
This is an educated guess. If the unstable state matrix is and the initial values are , then the error between the two states is perfectly zero.
%% Analytical approach
syms x(t) y(t)
eqns = [diff(x,t) == y,
diff(y,t) == x];
cond = [x(0)==1, y(0)==1];
S = dsolve(eqns, cond)
S = struct with fields:
y: exp(t) x: exp(t)
%% Numerical approach
[t, x] = ode45(@odefun, [0 10], [1 1]);
plot(t, x), grid on,
xlabel('t'), ylabel('\bf{x}')
legend({'$x(t)$', '$\dot{x}(t)$'}, 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 16, 'location', 'NW')
%% error between two states
error = x(:,1) - x(:,2);
ans = 0
function dxdt = odefun(t, x)
A = [0 1;
1 0];
dxdt = A*x;
  댓글 수: 3
Hemanta Hazarika
Hemanta Hazarika 2024년 2월 27일
In this case expected solution x(:,1) and x(:,4) are need to be exactly same theoritically but i am not able get from that is my concern @Sam Chak
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024년 2월 27일
Without the analytical solution, how can you be certain that states and are precisely identical, as depicted in the example I provided in my previous answer? Furthermore, considering the random initial values, if differs from , it is impossible for to be equivalent to .
N = 3;
A = [0 1 0;0 0 1;3 5 6];
% [v, d] = eig(A)
B = [0; 0; 1];
D = [1 -1 0;-1 2 -1;0 -1 1];
K = [107, 71, 20];
A1 = kron(eye(N,N),A);
A2 = kron(D,B*K);
Aa = A1 - A2
Aa = 9×9
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -104 -66 -14 107 71 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 107 71 20 -211 -137 -34 107 71 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 107 71 20 -104 -66 -14
x_0 = rand(3*N, 1);
tspan = 0:1e-6:1.;
% opts = odeset('AbsTol',1e-8,'RelTol',1e-4, 'MaxStep',0.01);
% e1=eig(A-1*B*K)
% e2=eig(A-3*B*K)
[t, x] = ode45(@(t,x) odefcn(t,x,D,A,B,K,N), tspan, x_0);
plot(t, x(:,1), t, x(:,4)), grid on
legend('x_1', 'x_4', 'fontsize', 16, 'location', 'NW')
e112 = x(:,1) - x(:,4);
ans = 168.6748
%% Error between x1 and x4
plot(t, e112), grid on, title('Error')
function xdot=odefcn(t,x,D,A,B,K,N)
A1 = kron(eye(N,N),A);
A2 = kron(D,B*K);
xdot= (A1 - A2)*x;

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