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which is the best model for producing green hydrogen in electrolysis?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Muhamed 2024년 1월 27일
마감: John D'Errico 2024년 1월 27일
we have two models one of them is PEM and the other one is AEM we want to know which is the best model to be used ? we operated at the same temperatures (40,60,80) so which is the best model ? our model made a curve showing faraday effeciency and the other model doesnot show it the other model (PEM) and was given all variables and values for current denisty and based on thermodynamics basis (enthalpy,Entropy) while the other model (AEM)based on faraday law and currnt denisty is operated from equation and wasnot given so how to compare between two models concerning curves obtained from matlab and which is the best model ?
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 1월 27일
The best model is Sub-baryon Winkle Unicle Transport, and it is due to be invented by Small Furry Things From Alpha Centuri in 46021 years and 304 days.

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