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Struggling to Solve 2nd Order ODE with Multiple Initial Values

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
David Bloom
David Bloom 2023년 12월 12일
댓글: Paul 2023년 12월 14일
I'm currently trying to solve a 2nd order ODE with dsolve and cannot get it to properly output a solution...
Here are my ODE, initial conditions, and code...
Initial Conditions:
: Where
My code:
clear all;
syms R(r)
eqn = diff(R,2) == R-R^3-(1/r)*diff(R);
V = odeToVectorField(eqn)
M = matlabFunction(V,'vars',{'r','Y'})
interval = [0 20];
yInit = [2.2 2.2];
ySol = ode45(M,interval,yInit);
tValues = linspace(0,20,100);
yValues = deval(ySol,tValues,1);
When I run this I don't get an error, but my yValues always have the first value equal to my initial condition and the rest are NaN's.
My questions:
1: How do I specify that my initial conditions are R'(0)=0 and R(large-number)=0 within the syntax of ODE45?
2: Since I assume the 1/r in my ODE is the cause of the NaN's, how do I get around this?
3: Is there a simpler way to solve this system?
Thanks in advance for your help.
  댓글 수: 6
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023년 12월 12일
We can observe the CT scan of the phase plane diagrams for the 2nd-order ODE as r increases. These diagrams offer insights into the behavior of the system, including the equilibrium points and the solutions to the system of ODEs.
%% CT Scan of the phase plane diagrams for the 2nd-order ODE
Torsten 2023년 12월 12일
편집: Torsten 2023년 12월 12일
The only possible boundary condition at r = 0 for your equation is either dR/dr = 0 or that the function is finite at r = 0 (if a value for R at r = 0 is not known). If you also impose the condition R(Inf) = 0, I doubt that a numerical method is able to find a solution apart from R = 0. Try with "bvp4c" which is the boundary value solver in the MATLAB software.

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답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 12월 12일
syms R(r)
eqn = diff(R,2) == R-R^3-(1/r)*diff(R);
[eqs,vars] = reduceDifferentialOrder(eqn,R(r))
eqs = 
vars = 
[M,F] = massMatrixForm(eqs,vars)
M = 
F = 
f = M\F
f = 
odefun = odeFunction(f,vars)
odefun = function_handle with value:
interval = [0 20];
yInit = [2.2 2.2];
[tValues, yValues] = ode45(odefun,interval,yInit);
[min(tValues), max(tValues)]
ans = 1×2
0 20
[min(yValues(:,1)), max(yValues(:,1))]
ans = 1×2
2.2000 2.2000
ans = 1888
limit(lhs(eqn), r, 0, 'left') == limit(rhs(eqn), r, 0, 'left')
ans = 
limit(lhs(eqn), r, 0, 'right') == limit(rhs(eqn), r, 0, 'right')
ans = 
No output because the equation involves division by r and r starts out as 0.
Numeric processing of 0/0 is not at all forgiving of the fact that there might potentially be defined value there due to limit reasons. As you can see, MATLAB cannot inherently reason about the limits for those functions anyhow -- more complex analysis would have to be done to determine whether anything can be figured out about the limit of the derivative at 0
1: How do I specify that my initial conditions are R'(0)=0 and R(large-number)=0 within the syntax of ODE45?
There is no explicit syntax for that for ode45.
In terms of the processing above you would have to analyze the vars returned by reduceDifferentialOrder in order to determine which index corresponded to which initial condition.
You might also be interested in the new (R2023b) facility ode which permits a different way of constructing ODEs.
One of the features of the new facility is that it permits initial conditions to be specified and the associated times, but to solve the ode over a different time range. So for example you might specify r(0) value but ask to run the ode over time -10 to +10 (example), and it (somehow) knows how to do that without you having to call the ode solvers twice, once to work backwards from 0 to -10 and the other to work forwards from 0 to 10.

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023년 12월 12일
I'm not an expert in self-trapped optical spatial solitons, but I'm attempting to reproduce the graph shown in Figure 1 in Townes et al.'s original paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220030032_Self-Trapping_of_Optical_Beams.
I have also provided a set of initial values for that satisfy the boundary condition at .
%% Case 1: Reproduce the graph in Townes's paper
rspan = linspace(1e-6, 5, 50001);
R0 = [2.2075; 0];
[r, R] = ode45(@odefcn, rspan, R0);
plot(r, R(:,1)), grid on
xlabel('r'), ylabel('R(r)')
%% Case 2: Initial values of R that satisfy R(15) ≈ 0
Rinit = [5.4637, 6.4430, 7.6445, 8.9731, 10.4083, 11.9213];
for j = 1:numel(Rinit)
rspan = linspace(1e-6, 15, 150001);
R0 = [Rinit(j); 0];
[r, R] = ode45(@odefcn, rspan, R0);
plot(r, R(:,1)), hold on
hold off, grid on
xlabel('r'), ylabel('R(r)')
%% Dynamics of Spatial Soliton
function dRdr = odefcn(r, R)
dRdr = zeros(2, 1);
dRdr(1) = R(2);
dRdr(2) = R(1) - R(1)^3 - (1/r)*R(2);
  댓글 수: 8
Torsten 2023년 12월 13일
편집: Torsten 2023년 12월 13일
I'm also not 100% sure.
I think the condition du/dr = 0 | r=0 for equations with a differential term of the form
1/r^m * d/dr (r^m * du/dr) (m=1 for a cylindrical coordinate system, m=2 for a radial coordinate system)
is kind of an artificial condition to sort out solutions that are unbounded at r = 0.
Consider e.g.
syms r u(r)
eqn = 1/r * diff(r*diff(u,r)) == 0;
with solution
sol = dsolve(eqn)
sol = 
dsol = diff(sol)
dsol = 
A bounded solution must have C_2 = 0. To ensure this, we demand dsol = 0 at r= 0 which forces C_2 to be 0.
The condition is also physically reasonable since du/dr = 0 at r = 0 means: Nothing of the quantity u should be able to vanish over the axis r = 0. And this makes sense since the axis - seen as a cylindrical area - has area 0.
Paul 2023년 12월 14일
This example disproves my hypothesized condition (2) and is making me inclined to think that the boundary condition should be interpreted as a condition at r = 0+. But I'm still not sure.

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