Can the arrow came directly following increasing OR decreasing behaviour of the curves

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Fr = .1; M = .2; Kp = 0.50; lambda = 0.1; Nr = 0.1; Pr = 7; Rd = 0.5; Nb = 0.5; Nt = 0.5; H = 0.01;
Ec = 0.01; Le = 2; Sr = 1; D = 0.5; n = 1; E = 0.5; Bi = 0.5; Slip = 0.1; V = [0 3 5]/10;
for M = V
for Kp = [0 0.5]
ODE = @(x,y)[ y(2); y(3); - y(1)*y(3) + (1+Fr)*y(2)^2 + (M+Kp)*y(2) - lambda*( y(4) - Nr*y(6) );
y(5); -(Pr/(1+Rd))*( y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2 );
y(7); -Pr*Le*y(1)*y(7) - (Nt/Nb)*(-(Pr/(1+Rd))*(y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2)) + Le*Pr*Sr*(1 + D*y(4))^n *y(6)*exp(-E/(1 + D*y(4)))];
BC = @(ya,yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-Slip*ya(3); ya(5)+Bi*(1-ya(4)); ya(7)+(Nt/Nb)*ya(5); yb([2;4;6])]; xa = 0; xb = 6; x = linspace(xa,xb,101);
solinit = bvpinit(x,[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]); sol = bvp5c(ODE,BC,solinit); S = deval(sol,x);
set( 0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 1 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0; 0 1 0;0 1 0] )
figure(2),plot(x,S(2,:),'-','LineWidth',2); hold on, ax = gca; ax.XColor = 'black'; ax.YColor = 'black'; ax.XAxis.FontSize = 12; ax.YAxis.FontSize = 12; ax.FontWeight = 'bold';
L(1) = plot(nan,nan,'r-','Linewidth',2); L(2) = plot(nan,nan,'g-','Linewidth',2); %L(3) = plot(nan,nan,'k-','Linewidth',2);
legend(L,{'\color{red}\bfKp = 0.0','\color{green}\bfKp = 0.5'},'FontSize',12,'Box','off'); %legend boxoff;
a = [0.5 0.2]; b = [.2 .5]; a1 = annotation('textarrow',a,a,'Color','b','LineWidth',2);
a2 = annotation('textbox',[0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4],'String',strcat ('M = ',num2str( V)),'LineStyle','none','Color','b','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');
%%% I have TWO questions
%% 1. In the attched PDF, I want to draw the arrow mark but DIRECTLY through the code following the INCREASING or DECREASING behaviour of the curves.
%% 2. )6 number of ARROWS and TEXTBOXES are coming as the code ran for 06 values, but it should be once.
%% Anyone can input ideas will be appreciated.

채택된 답변

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023년 11월 27일
this is my suggestion
the arrow generation is done after the two for loops , so it's done once instead of 6 times
I compute also the direction of the curves and this drives a and b vectors so the arrow will point according to curves going downwards or upward
with the given values y_sign = -1 so the arrow ispointing downward
as I am not sure how to generate curves that go upward I simply tested my code by forcing y_sign = +1 and you get this result in that case
Fr = .1; M = .2; Kp = 0.50; lambda = 0.1; Nr = 0.1; Pr = 7; Rd = 0.5; Nb = 0.5; Nt = 0.5; H = 0.01;
Ec = 0.01; Le = 2; Sr = 1; D = 0.5; n = 1; E = 0.5; Bi = 0.5; Slip = 0.1; V = [0 3 5]/10;
mx = [];
my = [];
for M = V
for Kp = [0 0.5]
ODE = @(x,y)[ y(2); y(3); - y(1)*y(3) + (1+Fr)*y(2)^2 + (M+Kp)*y(2) - lambda*( y(4) - Nr*y(6) );
y(5); -(Pr/(1+Rd))*( y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2 );
y(7); -Pr*Le*y(1)*y(7) - (Nt/Nb)*(-(Pr/(1+Rd))*(y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2)) + Le*Pr*Sr*(1 + D*y(4))^n *y(6)*exp(-E/(1 + D*y(4)))];
BC = @(ya,yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-Slip*ya(3); ya(5)+Bi*(1-ya(4)); ya(7)+(Nt/Nb)*ya(5); yb([2;4;6])]; xa = 0; xb = 6; x = linspace(xa,xb,101);
solinit = bvpinit(x,[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]); sol = bvp5c(ODE,BC,solinit); S = deval(sol,x);
set( 0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 1 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0; 0 1 0;0 1 0] )
hold on, ax = gca;
ax.XColor = 'black';
ax.YColor = 'black';
ax.XAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.YAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.FontWeight = 'bold';
L(1) = plot(nan,nan,'r-','Linewidth',2); L(2) = plot(nan,nan,'g-','Linewidth',2); %L(3) = plot(nan,nan,'k-','Linewidth',2);
legend(L,{'\color{red}\bfKp = 0.0','\color{green}\bfKp = 0.5'},'FontSize',12,'Box','off'); %legend boxoff;
my = [my, mean(S(2,:))]; % mean y value for each M value curve - to drive arrow direction
y_sign = sign(mean(diff(my)));
% y_sign = +1; % for debug only
if y_sign<0
a = [0.5 0.2];
b = [0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4];
a = [0.2 0.5];
b = [0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4];
a1 = annotation('textarrow',a,a,'Color','b','LineWidth',2);
a2 = annotation('textbox',b,'String',strcat ('M = ',num2str( V)),'LineStyle','none','Color','b','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');
  댓글 수: 5
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023년 11월 28일
regarding the export to word , there are already some submissions that do the job, I siply picked this one :
and tried on this code to see if the 3 figures would actually be saved in the same word document - and it works ! (fortunately)
% simple demo code
for k = 1:3
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y = sin(k*x);
figtoprint = figure(k); %opens new figure window
plot(x,y);title('Title');xlabel('x-label');ylabel('y-label');grid on;
and so in your code this would be :
close all
Fr = .1;
M = .2;
Kp = 0.50;
lambda = 0.1;
Nr = 0.1;
Pr = 7;
Rd = 0.5;
Nb = 0.5;
Nt = 0.5;
H = 0.01;
Ec = 0.01;
Le = 2;
Sr = 1;
D = 0.5;
n = 1;
E = 0.5;
Bi = 0.5;
Slip = 0.1;
V = [0 3 5]/10;
mx = [];
my = [];
for M = V
for Kp = [0 0.5]
ODE = @(x,y)[ y(2); y(3); - y(1)*y(3) + (1+Fr)*y(2)^2 + (M+Kp)*y(2) - lambda*( y(4) - Nr*y(6) );
y(5); -(Pr/(1+Rd))*( y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2 );
y(7); -Pr*Le*y(1)*y(7) - (Nt/Nb)*(-(Pr/(1+Rd))*(y(1)*y(5) + Nb*y(5)*y(7) + Nt*y(5)^2 + H*y(4) + Ec*y(3)^2)) + Le*Pr*Sr*(1 + D*y(4))^n *y(6)*exp(-E/(1 + D*y(4)))];
BC = @(ya,yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-Slip*ya(3); ya(5)+Bi*(1-ya(4)); ya(7)+(Nt/Nb)*ya(5); yb([2;4;6])]; xa = 0; xb = 6; x = linspace(xa,xb,101);
solinit = bvpinit(x,[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]); sol = bvp5c(ODE,BC,solinit); S = deval(sol,x);
set( 0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 1 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0; 0 1 0;0 1 0] )
fig2 = figure(2);plot(x,S(2,:),'-','LineWidth',2);
hold on, ax = gca;
ax.XColor = 'black';
ax.YColor = 'black';
ax.XAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.YAxis.FontSize = 12;
ax.FontWeight = 'bold';
L(1) = plot(nan,nan,'r-','Linewidth',2); L(2) = plot(nan,nan,'g-','Linewidth',2); %L(3) = plot(nan,nan,'k-','Linewidth',2);
legend(L,{'\color{red}\bfKp = 0.0','\color{green}\bfKp = 0.5'},'FontSize',12,'Box','off'); %legend boxoff;
my = [my, mean(S(2,:))]; % mean y value for each M value curve - to drive arrow direction
y_sign = sign(mean(diff(my)));
% y_sign = +1; % for debug only
if y_sign<0
a = [0.5 0.2];
b = [0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4];
a = [0.2 0.5];
b = [0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4];
a1 = annotation('textarrow',a,a,'Color','b','LineWidth',2);
a2 = annotation('textbox',b,'String',...
strcat ('M = ',num2str( V)),'LineStyle','none','Color','b','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');
% save to word
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023년 11월 28일
I saw your code suggestion but I am not super familiar with ActivX server
as a standalone code it seems to work even though I had to comment some lines , but I am not sure how to turn that into a function (I tried but it opens a new word doc at each figure)
again , in the Fex submission this one is also great (I tried it) :

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