I am currently using the malab econometric modeler to run some analysis with the regression SARIMAX model. I discovered that matlab becomes unacceptably slow when I estimate my regARIMA model by using large values of the seasonal AR and MA lags, independently on the value I assign to the seasonality. Is there any reason why this happens?
Thank you.
Here is a portion of my model, for reference (AR, MA, SAR, S, and SMA are assigned before this part):
SARv = S : S : S*SAR;
SMAv = S : S : S*SMA;
% arima model
Mdl = regARIMA('Intercept', 0, 'ARLags', 1:AR, 'D', 0, 'MALags', 1:MA, 'SARLags', SARv, ...
'Seasonality', S, 'SMALags', SMAv, 'Distribution', 'Gaussian');
validIndices = find(~any(isnan([data{1, 1}, data{1, 2}, data{1, 3}, data{1, 4}, data{1, 5}]), 2));
preSN = Mdl.P;
preSR = data{1, 1}(validIndices(1:preSN));
estimateR = data{1, 1}(validIndices(preSN+1:end));
% external variables
coeret = [data{1, 2}, data{1, 3}, data{1, 4}, data{1, 5}];
coeret_for = [data_fore{1, 2}, data_fore{1, 3}, data_fore{1, 4}, data_fore{1, 5}];
% size of the dataset, and of the presample and estimation period
[EstMdl, ~, ~] = estimate(Mdl, estimateR, ...
'X', coeret(preSN+1:end, :), 'Display', 'off');