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showing boundingboxes and label on my image detected by my trained model

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
hi everyone,
i am trinig to show label and boundingboxes by detecting by yolov2 trained model but error appera as and it can show any boxes on images
>> untitled3
Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function 'detect'.
Error in untitled3 (line 4)
[bboxes,scores,labels] = detect(dnet,img,'Threshold',thrusholdvalue);

채택된 답변

Moksh 2023년 9월 27일
편집: Moksh 2023년 9월 29일
Hi Ahmad,
I understand that you are using the “yolov2” pre-trained model to detect regions of interest, and subsequently, you aim to add bounding boxes around these detected regions.
While using the “detect” function two inputs need to be passed:
  • Detector - A YOLO object detector.
  • Image – Input image on which detection needs to be performed.
Further, the threshold can be passed using the “Threshold” parameter followed by a double value.
Here is an example code:
% Loading a pretrained yolov2 for vechicle detection
vehicleDetector = load('yolov2VehicleDetector.mat','detector');
detector = vehicleDetector.detector;
% Reading a sample image
I = imread('highway.png');
% imshow(I);
% Running the model on sample image for detection
[bboxes,scores,labels] = detect(detector,I,"Threshold",0.2);
% Plotting the bounding box on detected regions
if ~isempty(bboxes)
detectedI = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes,cellstr(labels));
For more information about the detect function, please refer to the following documentation:
Hope this information helps!
Best Regards,
Moksh Aggarwal
  댓글 수: 2
ahmad 2023년 10월 2일
But my detector shows multiple boxes on same object.second think is that when I change threshold from 0.1 to 0?5 it doesn't detecte any thing.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 10월 2일
Well you accepted the answer so I guess youi got it figured out.

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