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필터 지우기

hi , can help me in this problem "Invalid text character. Check for unsupported symbol, invisible character, or pasting of non-ASCII characters." i don't know the solution

조회 수: 21 (최근 30일)
H_zf = X_zf * inv(H_true) * Y ;
H_zf = (X_zf ./ inv(H_true) )* Y ;
  댓글 수: 7
Maha Saif
Maha Saif 2023년 9월 15일
이동: Bruno Luong 2023년 9월 16일
in the result figure , i don't know why the curve about SD_ZF not show
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 9월 16일
%% MU-MIMO channel estimation
clear all
close all
N_r = 128;
K = 10; % number of UEs
L_k = 4; % number of paths per UE
no_sim = 10; % number of Monte Carlo runs
fade = 0; % parameter for truncated Gaussian fading (if needed)
% fade - nature of fade.
% 0 is pure Los (unit modulus path gains)
% 1 is Rayleigh fading
% 2 is arbitrary fading
dist_min = 0.5;
pd = makedist('Normal',0,sqrt(0.5));
trunc_pd = truncate(pd,dist_min,inf);
% Example:
% pd = makedist('Normal',0,sqrt(0.5)); trunc_pd = truncate(pd,dist_min,inf);
% Results in real and imaginary parts of path gains (say, \alpha) to follow a
% truncated Gaussian distribution with 0 <= |Re(\alpha)|,|Im(\alpha)| <= dist_min
genie_aided_correlation = 0;
% choose genie_aided_correlation = 1 to use the true channel correlation to
% compute the Bussgang decomposition. However, this is not practical in
% real life.
OSR = 4; % spatial oversampling ratio at BS
delta = 0.5/OSR; % inter-element spacing at BS
N = K; % Number of snapshots
aoa_grid = -90:1:90; % search grid for AoA
aspread_aoa = 60; % AoAs will be drawn from -aspread_aoa to aspread_aoa
spacing_aoa = 10; % minimum spacing between AoAs of same UE
aoa_grid_app = -aspread_aoa:1:aspread_aoa;
L_app = length(aoa_grid_app);
E_s = 1; % Signal power
SNR_dB = -12:4:25;
SNR = 10.^(0.1.*SNR_dB);
U = tril(ones(N_r));
V = U - eye(N_r);
U_inv = inv(U);
% Channel estimation errors
Channel_NMSE_uq_angular = zeros(1,length(SNR));
Channel_NMSE_sd = zeros(1,length(SNR));
Channel_NMSE_sd_zf = zeros(1,length(SNR));
for iter = 1:length(SNR)
channel_err_uq_angular = 0;
channel_err_sd = 0;
channel_err_sd_zf = 0;
ch_err_dr = 0;
% selection of voltage level (b)
b = 3*sqrt((SNR(iter)+1)/2);
U = tril(ones(N_r));
U_inv = inv(U);
R_n = eye(N_r) + ((2*(b^2))/(3)).*U_inv*U_inv'; % Noise covariance
R_n_pw = inv(sqrtm(R_n)); % pre-whitening matrix
for loop_inner = 1:no_sim
% Get channel matrix
[H_true aoa_true alpha_true] = get_MUMIMO_channel(K,L_k,...
N_r,delta,aspread_aoa, spacing_aoa, fade, trunc_pd);
A_RX_temp = sqrt(1/L_app).*gen_a(N_r, delta, aoa_grid_app);
ch_err_dr = ch_err_dr + norm(H_true,'fro')^2;
S = sqrt((SNR(iter))/K).*dftmtx(K); % pilot matrix
N_noise = sqrt(1/2).*(randn(N_r,N) + (1j).*randn(N_r,N));
X = H_true*S + N_noise; % unquantized received signal
Y_q = sqrt(1/2).*sgn(X); %One-bit
%% prameters for Bussgang decomposition based channel estimation [Ref. no]
if(genie_aided_correlation == 0)
C_G = A_RX_temp*A_RX_temp';
C_g = kron(eye(K),C_G);
elseif(genie_aided_correlation == 1)
C_g = zeros(K*N_r);
for k=1:K
range_consider = (k-1)*N_r+1:k*N_r;
A_req = sqrt(1/L_k).*gen_a(N_r, delta, doa_true(:,k));
C_g(range_consider,range_consider) = A_req*A_req';
P = kron(transpose(S), eye(N_r));
C_x = P*C_g*P' + eye(N*N_r);
beta = 1.05;
C_r = zeros(N*N_r,N*N_r);
sig_r_sq = zeros(N*N_r,1);
sig_q_sq = zeros(N*N_r,1);
sig_x_sq = diag(C_x);
sig_y_sq = zeros(N*N_r,1);
for k=1:N*N_r
sig_r_sq(k) = sig_x_sq(k);
sig_r_sq(k) = sig_x_sq(k) + sig_q_sq(k-1);
sig_y_sq(k) = (pi/2)*(beta^2)*sig_r_sq(k);
sig_q_sq(k) = sig_y_sq(k) - sig_r_sq(k);
r_t = sig_r_sq(1:N_r);
a_m = zeros(N_r,1);
a_m(1:N_r) = (beta/2).*sqrt(pi.*r_t(1:N_r)); % proposed voltage level in [Number]
U_inv = kron(eye(N),inv(U));
C_ql = diag(sig_q_sq);
C_y = C_x + U_inv*C_ql*U_inv'; % Eq (31)
Yl = sigma_delta_ADC_b(X,0,delta,a_m); % output of SD ADC proposed in []
yl = reshape(Yl, N*N_r,1);
C_gy = C_g*P';
h_hat = C_gy*inv(C_y)*yl;
%%%%%%%%%% Unquantized channel estimation - LMMSE
x = reshape(X, N*N_r, 1);
C_gx = C_g*P';
h_hat_lmmse = C_gx*inv(C_x)*x;
H_est_lmmse = reshape(h_hat_lmmse, N_r, K); % LMMSE channel estimate
%%channel_err_uq_lmmse = channel_err_uq_lmmse + ((norm(H_true - H_est_lmmse,'fro'))^2);
%% Proposed methods
T_s = 1 ;
% UQ channel estimation
[H_est_uq_angular aoa_est_uq_angular alpha_est_uq_angular] = MU_MIMO_est_UQ(H_true,S, T_s, delta, L_k, SNR(iter), aoa_grid );
channel_err_uq_angular = channel_err_uq_angular + norm(H_true - H_est_uq_angular,'fro')^2;
% SD channel estimation
[H_est_sd aoa_est_sd alpha_est_sd] = MU_MIMO_est_SD(H_true, S, T_s, delta, L_k, SNR(iter), aoa_grid, b, R_n_pw );
channel_err_sd = channel_err_sd + norm(H_true - H_est_sd,'fro')^2;
% zero forcing
Y = sigma_delta_ADC(X,0,delta,b); % output of sigma-delta quantizer
H_true= zeros(N_r,K);
estimated_symbols = ZF_receiver (Y , H_true , N_noise );
X_zf = (Y./(H_true)) + N_noise ;
%%[H_est_sd_zf] = MU_MIMO_est_SD_ZF(H_est, S, T_s ,X_zf,X , delta, L_k, SNR(iter), aoa_grid, b, R_n_pw ) ;
h_zf = X_zf * inv(H_true) * Y ;
H_est_sd_zf = reshape (h_zf * N_r * K) ;
channel_err_sd_zf = channel_err_sd_zf + norm(H_true - estimated_symbols ,'fro')^2;
%% One bit BLMMSE channel estimation
%% MRC combiner the outbut of SD
%%% delete
[iter loop_inner];
Channel_NMSE_uq_angular(iter) = channel_err_uq_angular/ch_err_dr;
Channel_NMSE_sd(iter) = channel_err_sd/ch_err_dr;
Channel_NMSE_sd_zf(iter) = channel_err_sd_zf/ch_err_dr;
Unrecognized function or variable 'get_MUMIMO_channel'.
%% Plotting Results
plot(SNR_dB , 10.*log10(Channel_NMSE_uq_angular), 'g-d','LineWidth', 1.2);
hold on
plot(SNR_dB , 10.*log10(Channel_NMSE_sd), 'm-d','LineWidth', 1.2);
hold on
plot(SNR_dB , 10.*log10(Channel_NMSE_sd_zf), 'y-o','LineWidth',1.2);
grid on
legend('Unquantized-angular', 'SD-proposed', 'SD_ZF');
title('ZF WITH SIGMA DELTA Channel Estimation');
xlabel('SNR (dB)');
ylabel('NMSE (dB)');
%plot(SNR_dB , 10.*log10(Channel_NMSE_zf), 'y-d','LineWidth', 1.2);
%xlabel('SNR (dB)');
%ylabel('NMSE (dB)');

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채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 9월 15일
편집: Walter Roberson 2023년 9월 15일
h_zf = X_zf * inv(H_true) * Y ;`
That line has a ` (back-quote) at the end of that you need to delete, making it
h_zf = X_zf * inv(H_true) * Y ;

추가 답변 (1개)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023년 9월 14일
% Pasting the last line bellow in your code editor
H_true = rand(5);
X_zf = rand(5);
Y = rand(5);
H_zf = X_zf * inv(H_true) * Y
H_zf = 5×5
1.3314 3.7161 1.6341 0.0437 3.1849 3.4033 7.1076 3.1060 -0.1038 5.9743 0.8452 1.6774 0.9671 0.1583 2.0241 -0.6046 -0.3610 0.2176 0.3070 -0.2526 3.6896 7.7084 3.7287 0.0863 6.3431
  댓글 수: 5
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023년 9월 14일
No I asked you to past the code here TO your code editor and run it, I suspect there is some non ascii code in your code source and by doing so you clean it.
I did not ask you to past your code here.
Maha Saif
Maha Saif 2023년 9월 15일
ok , where i should put the code ?
there are many files and function

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