Solving self-consistent equations that involve matrices
조회 수: 17 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I want to calculate for a given value of and E. The self-consistent equation is
here is identity matrix of order 3, is 3-by-3 matrix, and are constants. The other variables are given in my code below. To solve this equation, I have wrote the following code (with help of ChatGPT) but this code does not coverge. Can someone please help me.
clear; clc;
% System Parameters
kx = pi/3;
ky = pi/5;
E = 8.5;
n_imp = 0.2;
u = 5;
JN = 1;
s = 1;
a = 1;
Dz = 0.75;
% Convergence Parameters
max_iterations = 1000;
convergence_threshold = 1e-6;
% Integration Limits
xmin = -2*pi/(3); xmax = 4*pi/(3);
ymin = -2*pi/(sqrt(3)); ymax = 2*pi/(sqrt(3));
H = @(kx, ky) [4*JN*s, -(s*cos((a*kx)/4 + (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2, (s*cos((a*kx)/4 - (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2
(s*cos((a*kx)/4 + (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2, 4*JN*s, -(s*cos((a*kx)/2)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2
-(s*cos((a*kx)/4 - (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2, (s*cos((a*kx)/2)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2, 4*JN*s];
% Initial guess for G^R
G_R_fun = @(kx, ky) inv(E * eye(3) - H(kx, ky)); % Initial G^R function
G_R = inv(E * eye(3) - H(kx, ky)); %value at given kx, ky and E
xlim([1 max_iterations])
diffs = [];
for iter = 1:max_iterations
% Calculate the denominator integration involving the GR
integral_term = zeros(3);
xs = xmin:0.01:xmax;
Nx = length(xs);
parfor ix = 1:Nx
qx = xs(ix);
for qy = ymin:0.01:ymax
integral_term = integral_term + 1/(4*pi^2) * G_R_fun(qx, qy) * u * 0.01 * 0.01;
%Evaluate Sigma^R:
SigmaR = n_imp * u * inv(eye(3) - integral_term);
% Calculate the updated GR using the self-consistent equation
G0_R_new_fun = @(kx, ky) inv(E * eye(3) - H(kx, ky) - SigmaR); %function
G0_R_new = G0_R_new_fun(kx, ky); %value at given kx, ky and E
% Check for convergence
diff = norm(G0_R_new - G_R, 'fro');
fprintf('Iteration: %d, Difference: %0.8f\n', iter, diff);
if diff < convergence_threshold
fprintf('Converged after %d iterations\n', iter);
% Update Green's function for the next iteration
G_R = G0_R_new;
G_R_fun = G0_R_new_fun;
% Plotting differences:
diffs(iter) = diff;
fprintf('Final Green''s function:\n');
댓글 수: 8
Bruno Luong
2023년 8월 13일
편집: Bruno Luong
2023년 8월 13일
How physics peoples interpret ? Is it or ?
And why you write () at the end?
so the is not relevant in your equation. And why not pull out u outside the double integral, put it over outside ?
2023년 8월 13일
편집: Torsten
2023년 8월 13일
And it is self-consistent in a sense that one needs to guess G^R first then put it in given equation and then check if the guess is the actual solution, if not, update the guess and keep going. is not it?
In mathematics, the method is called "fixed-point iteration" and it converges if you have a contraction mapping for G^R:
As I said, I've never heard of self-consistent in this context.
The task reminds me of solving integral equations for all 9 components of your matrix G^R.
채택된 답변
Bruno Luong
2023년 8월 14일
편집: Bruno Luong
2023년 8월 14일
Use fixpoint to find good startting point for lsqnonlin: this code converges and find a solution:
% System Parameters
E = 8.5;
n_imp = 0.2;
u = 5;
JN = 1;
s = 1;
a = 1;
Dz = 0.75;
% Integration Limits
xmin = -2*pi/(3); xmax = 4*pi/(3);
ymin = -2*pi/(sqrt(3)); ymax = 2*pi/(sqrt(3));
% Integration step and discretization vectors of the domain
dx = 0.01;
qx = xmin:dx:xmax;
dy = 0.01;
qy = ymin:dy:ymax;
% Number of iterations for fix points
fixpointniter = 10;
params = struct('E', E,...
'n_imp', n_imp,...
'u', u, ...
'JN', JN, ...
's', s, ...
'a', a, ...
'Dz', Dz, ...
'dx', dx, ...
'dy', dy, ...' ...
'qx', qx, ...
'qy', qy, ...
'fixpointniter', fixpointniter);
[SigmaROut, Gxy] = EstimateSigmaR(params);
function [SigmaROut, Gxy] = EstimateSigmaR(params)
% Use fixed point to find the first guess of SigmaR
SigmaR = zeros(3,3);
fixpointniter = params.fixpointniter;
for i = 1:fixpointniter
fprintf('fix point iteration: %d/%d\n', i, fixpointniter)
[~, SigmaR] = SigmaRError(SigmaR, params);
% Use lsqnonlin to refine the solutuon
x0 = SigmaR(:);
opt = struct('Display', 'iter', 'StepTolerance', 1e-10);
unconstrainedarg = cell(1,7);
x = lsqnonlin(@(x) SigmaRError(x, params), x0, unconstrainedarg{:}, opt);
SigmaROut = reshape(x,3,3);
[errorSigma, ~, Gxy] = SigmaRError(x, params);
relerr = norm(errorSigma) / norm(x);
fprintf("relative error = %f\n", relerr);
function H = Hfun(params)
kx = params.qx;
ky = params.qy;
JN = params.JN;
s = params.s;
a = params.a;
Dz = params.Dz;
[kx, ky] = ndgrid(kx, ky);
kx = reshape(kx, [1 1 size(kx)]);
ky = reshape(ky, [1 1 size(ky)]);
z = zeros(size(kx));
% you should factorize this code, many terms computed over and over again,
% such as cos(a*kx)
H = [z+4*JN*s, -(s*cos((a*kx)/4 + (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2, (s*cos((a*kx)/4 - (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2;
(s*cos((a*kx)/4 + (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2, z+4*JN*s, -(s*cos((a*kx)/2)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2;
-(s*cos((a*kx)/4 - (3^(1/2)*a*ky)/4)*(Dz*4i + 4*JN))/2, (s*cos((a*kx)/2)*(Dz*4i - 4*JN))/2, z+4*JN*s];
function [dx, SigmaR, Gxy] = SigmaRError(x, params)
dx = params.dx;
dy = params.dy;
E = params.E;
u = params.u;
n_imp = params.n_imp;
SigmaR = reshape(x, 3, 3);
% Calculate the updated GR using the self-consistent equation
Hxy = Hfun(params);
I3 = eye(3);
Gxy = pageinv(E*I3 - Hxy - SigmaR);
integral_term = (dx*dy*u)/(4*pi^2) * sum(Gxy, [3 4]);
SigmaR = (n_imp * u) * inv(I3 - integral_term); %#ok shutup stupid mlint on INV
dx = x(:)-SigmaR(:); % when it's consistent, dx is close to 0
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