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i have a transfer function and pI values, i want to draw a bode plot by using transfer function and PI values

조회 수: 23 (최근 30일)
i have a transfer function and pI values, i want to draw a bode plot by using transfer function and PI values

답변 (1개)

Vandit 2023년 8월 23일
To draw a Bode plot using a transfer function and proportional-integral (PI) values in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:
  1. Define your transfer function using the ‘tf’ function by specifying its numerator and denominator coefficients or by providing the poles and zeros.
  2. Create a 'tf' object for the PI controller using the PI values and
  3. Multiply the transfer function of the plant with the transfer function of the PI controller to obtain the overall transfer function of the closed-loop system.
  4. Use the 'bode' function to plot the Bode magnitude and phase response of the closed-loop system.
Below is the example code snippet to draw a bode plot:
% Define the transfer function of the plant
numerator = [1]; % Numerator coefficients
denominator = [1, 2, 1]; % Denominator coefficients
plant_tf = tf(numerator, denominator);
% Define the PI controller transfer function
Kp = 1; % Proportional gain
Ki = 0.5; % Integral gain
pi_tf = tf([Kp, Ki], [1, 0]);
% Compute the overall transfer function of the closed-loop system
closed_loop_tf = plant_tf * pi_tf;
% Plot the Bode magnitude and phase response
The output of the above code is attached below for your reference.
To know more about 'Transfer function model' and 'bode plot', you may refer to the below link:
Hope this helps.


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