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System of PDE-ODE with multi point boundary conditions- How to can i solve it?
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
I have attached a pdf which includes the system i am trying to solve. To summerise, it is a system of PDEs and ODEs. The system consists of several regions that are joined together (see the figure in the pdf) and each region has different physical properties however the governing equation remains the same. The boundary conditions are provided at the intersection of each region. I am not sure how to solve this problem. I am struggling to implement this in matlab. I kindly ask your support and i thank you in advance.
댓글 수: 24
2023년 7월 25일
I don't understand which kind of answer you expect. You give us 5 PDEs and 2 ODEs and ask for our support. We won't code this problem for you. So ask a specific question for a specific problem you encounter (preferably with your code so far) and we might be able to help you.
And yes - the method of lines is applicable here (also for mulitpoint boundary value problems). But you need not only one, but two transmission conditions at the internal boundaries for each solution variable.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
Hi Torsten, I am sorry if my question was misleading. i am not asking here for the code. I have basic understanding of matlab but i am not so well versed with all the methods, syntaxes... that are available here.
My question was, which method can solve such problems (you mentioned method of lines and this was the answer i was looking for. Thank you). I have tried to understand MOL through simple implementations of PDE as an example. However the internal boundary conditions is what i am struggling at. You mentioned now, that there needs to be two transmission conditions at internal boundaries. I am not quite clear by what you mean. Could you please explain it in detail?
I genuinly thank you for the solutions you have been providing.
2023년 7월 25일
편집: Torsten
2023년 7월 25일
You mentioned now, that there needs to be two transmission conditions at internal boundaries. I am not quite clear by what you mean. Could you please explain it in detail?
You have a second-order PDEs - thus you must provide two conditions at the interfaces to fix the solution. These conditions usually are continuity of the field variable and its flux:
uleft = uright
Dleft * du/dx(x->xleft) = Dright * du/dx(x->xright)
You may have other conditions (which might even cause a discontinuity at the interface), but you need two of them - at least if the field variable is solved for in both regions.
Maybe the description here is more detailed:
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
Thank you Torsten. This clears things up. In my problem i want continuity between the regions. I will figure things out and write the complete code. If there are still problems, then i will get back to you. Thank you and have a nice day!
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
I found this sample code from one of your answers Interface boundary condition in transient heat problem - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathworks.com). I am guessing that you are suggesting me this approach for interface BCs.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
Hi Torsten, in your sample code, i am not able to understand what you did for a11,a12,b1,a21,a22 and b2. Could you please elaborate it to me? How did you get those equations?
Your Code:
% Set parameters
x1start = 0.0;
x1end = 0.25;
x2start = x1end;
x2end = 1.0;
nx1 = 50;
nx2 = 150;
x1 = linspace(x1start,x1end,nx1).';
x2 = linspace(x2start,x2end,nx2).';
rho1 = 100;
cp1 = 10;
lambda1 = 0.4;
rho2 = 20;
cp2 = 25;
lambda2 = 10;
% Set initial conditions
Tstart = 200;
Tend = 400;
T0 = 0;
nodes = nx1+nx2-1;
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = Tstart;
y0(2:nx1+nx2-2) = T0;
y0(nx1+nx2-1) = Tend;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:10:100;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,x1,nx1,x2,nx2,lambda1,rho1,cp1,lambda2,rho2,cp2),tspan,y0);
% Plot results
x = [x1;x2(2:end)];
function dy = fun(t,y,x1,nx1,x2,nx2,lambda1,rho1,cp1,lambda2,rho2,cp2)
T1 = y(1:nx1); % Temperature zone 1
T2 = y(nx1:nx1+nx2-1); % Temperature zone 2
% Compute temperature in ghost points
xg1 = x1(end)+(x1(end)-x1(end-1));
xg2 = x2(1)-(x2(2)-x2(1));
% Set up linear system of equations for [Tg1, Tg2]
a11 = lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1-1));
a12 = lambda2/(x2(2)-xg2);
b1 = lambda1*T1(nx1-1)/(xg1-x1(nx1-1))+lambda2*T2(2)/(x2(2)-xg2);
a21 = (lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1))/((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2 - (x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2))*rho2*cp2;
a22 = (-lambda2/(x2(1)-xg2)/((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2))*rho1*cp1;
b2 = (lambda1*T1(nx1)/(xg1-x1(nx1))+lambda1*(T1(nx1)-T1(nx1-1))/(x1(nx1)-x1(nx1-1)))/...
((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2-(x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2)*rho2*cp2 +...
((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2)*rho1*cp1;
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg1 = sol(1);
Tg2 = sol(2);
% Solve heat equation in the two zones
% Zone 1
T1 = [T1;Tg1];
x1 = [x1;xg1];
dT1dt(1) = 0.0;
for i=2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = (lambda1*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
% Zone 2
for i=2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = (lambda2*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
dT2dt(end+1) = 0.0;
% Return time derivatives
dy = [dT1dt(1:end),dT2dt(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
Hi Torsten, yes i am looking at it as well. If i am correct, equations 3 and 4 are implemented for dT2dt. The computation of ghost points are represented equations 1 and 2. Am i correct?
2023년 7월 25일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
The system of equations to determine T_l_ghost and T_r_ghost (rhs of equation (1) = rhs of equation (2) and rhs of equation (3) = rhs of equation (4)) is written as
a11*T_l_ghost + a12*T_r_ghost = b1 (1)
a21*T_l_ghost + a22*T_r_ghost = b2 (2)
and is then solved for (T_l_ghost,T_r_ghost) (which are named (Tg1,Tg2) in the code) as
[T_l_ghost,T_r_ghost] = [a11 a12;a21 a22]\[b1;b2]
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 25일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
I understood that part. What i didnt get is, how did you decompose and got the equation for b
2023년 7월 25일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
I understood that part. What i didnt get is, how did you decompose and got the equation for b
By collecting all terms of
rhs of equation (1) = rhs of equation (2)
rhs of equation (3) = rhs of equation (4)
that don't contain T_ghost_l or T_ghost_r on the right-hand side.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 26일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 26일
Thank you, now i understand. I have one last question on your solution. How did you descretize the PDE? I usually use FDM for second order DEs. However yours seem to be somewhat different method. How did you arrive at these two equations?
rho_l*cp_l * dT/dt (xi-) = lambda_l*((T_l_ghost - Ti)/(x_l_ghost - xi) - (Ti - T_l(n-1))/(xi - x_l(n-1)))/((x_l_ghost+xi)/2 - (xi+x_l(n-1))/2) (3)
rho_r*cp_r * dT/dt (xi+) = lambda_r*((T_r2) - Ti)/(x_r2 - xi) - (Ti - T_r_ghost)/(xi - x_r_ghost))/((x_r2+xi)/2 - (xi+x_r_ghost)/2) (4)
2023년 7월 26일
It's d^2/dx^2(i) ~ (u(i+1)-2*u(i)+u(i-1))/h^2 for a possibly non-uniform gridding. Assume (x_l_ghost - xi) = (xi - x_l(n-1)) = h, and you'll arrive at the usual approximation for the second derivative.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 27일
Perfect, i tried to solve it on paper and it checks out. Thank you. So this makes it clear for continuity, however what if there is no continuity at the interfaces. Lets say that in the right zone the PDE applies but not on the left. In such cases how do we define the condition at the interface?
Consider equation: di/dx = -aj (i = -sigma*d(phi)/dx). a is a constnat, j is current density, sigma a constant, phi is electron potential
Boundary condition (---- Continuity; xxxx No calculation)
| Zone 1 | Zone 2 | Zone 3 | Zone 4 | Zone 5 |
phi=0 ------------------ i=0 xxxxx i=0 --------------------i=I
For Zone 3 there is no calculation. However there is a BC at the interfaces. How can i implement the BC at the interface in this case?.
2023년 7월 27일
In this case, since phi in zones 1 and 2 and phi in zones 4 and 5 are not coupled, these should be two independent boundary value problems to be solved. There are no transmission conditions here, but only 4 x 1 boundary conditions (one at the start of zone 1, one at the end of zone 2, one at the start of zone 4 and one at the end of zone 5), just as you wrote above.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 27일
편집: Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 27일
Thank you. that clears everything! I am now trying to model so that i understand it by practice. However i am getting an error (Warning: Failure at t=3.571866e-03. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (6.938894e-18) at time t. ). If you could have a look it would be very helpful. The PDE i chose is very similar to your example code.
My PDE is: rho*Cp*dT/dt = kt*d2T/dx2 + Qtot; where kt is thermal conductivity, Qtot is heat source
At the moment i chose Qtot to be constants, but in the future i will calculate it when i have other PDEs solved.
Boundary condition (---- Continuity)
| Zone 1 | Zone 2 | Zone 3 | Zone 4 | Zone 5 |
T=343 -------------------------------------------------------T=343
My code:
clear all
close all
L = [160 10 25 10 160]*1e-6; % [m] MEA layer thicknesses
kt = [1.6 0.27 0.3 0.27 1.6]; % [W/mK] Thermal conductivity
rcp = [1.58 1.56 1.9 1.56 1.58]*1e6; % [J/m3K] Volumetric heat capacity
Qtot = [0 10 100 120 15]; % [W] Heat Source
% Initial mesh
Nd = numel(L); % number of domains
nm = 11;
% x = interp1(0:Nd, Lsum, linspace(0, Nd, Nd*10+1));
% x = sort([x Lsum(2:end-1)]); % duplicate interface nodes
x1 = linspace(0,L(1),11)';
x2 = linspace(x1(end),x1(end)+L(2),nm).';
x3 = linspace(x2(end),x2(end)+L(3),nm).';
x4 = linspace(x3(end),x3(end)+L(4),nm).';
x5 = linspace(x4(end),x4(end)+L(5),nm).';
x = [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5];
% Set initial conditions
T_start = 343;
T_end = T_start;
T0 = 0;
nodes = Nd*nm-1;
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = T_start;
y0(2:nodes-1) = T0;
y0(nodes) = T_end;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:10:100;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot),tspan,y0);
Warning: Failure at t=3.610610e-03. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (6.938894e-18) at time t.
%Plot results
% Function
function dy = fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot)
T1 = y(1:nm);
T2 = y(nm:2*nm-1);
T3 = y(2*nm:3*nm-1);
T4 = y(3*nm:4*nm-1);
T5 = y(4*nm:5*nm-1);
% Compute temperature at ghost points
for i = 1:numel(L)-1
xg(i,1) = x(end,i)+(x(end,i)-x(end-1,i));
xg(i,2) = x(1,i+1)-(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
%Setup linear system of equations
a11 = kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i));
a12 = kt(i+1)/(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
b1 = kt(i)*T1(nm-1)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i))+kt(i+1)*T2(2)/(x(2,i+1)-xg(i,2));
a21 = (kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))/((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2 - (x(nm,1)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1);
a22 = (-kt(i+1)/(x(1,i+1)-xg(i,2))/((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
b2 = ((kt(i)*T1(nm)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))+kt(i)*(T1(nm)-T1(nm-1))/(x(nm,i)-x(nm-1,i)))/...
((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2-(x(nm,i)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1) +...
((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg(i,1) = sol(1);
Tg(i,2) = sol(2);
% Governing Equation
T1 = [T1;Tg(1,1)];
x1 = [x1;xg(1,1)];
dT1dt(1) = 0;
for i = 2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = ((kt(1)*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
T2 = [T2;Tg(2,1)];
x2 = [x2;xg(2,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = ((kt(2)*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
T3 = [T3;Tg(3,1)];
x3 = [x3;xg(3,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x3)-1
dT3dt(i) = ((kt(3)*(T3(i+1)-T3(i))/(x3(i+1)-x3(i)) -...
T4 = [T4;Tg(4,1)];
x4 = [x4;xg(4,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x4)-1
dT4dt(i) = ((kt(4)*(T4(i+1)-T4(i))/(x4(i+1)-x4(i)) -...
for i = 2:numel(x5)-1
dT5dt(i) = ((kt(5)*(T5(i+1)-T5(i))/(x5(i+1)-x5(i)) -...
dT5dt(end+1) = 0;
% Return derivatives
dy = [dT1dt(1:end),dT2dt(1:end),dT3dt(1:end),dT4dt(1:end),dT5dt(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 28일
편집: Torsten
2023년 7월 28일
Thank you, I was able to solve it yesterday (i had made mistake with the number of nodes). Now the code runs however, the results are not correct. Compared to your example code, lambda is replaced by kt and i have additional heat source (Qtot). When i turn heat source to zero then it should be exactly like your example. But In my result, there seems to be no effect of time. Right from the second time step the values for T remain constant. Also i am getting negative values which doesnt make sense either (see figure). I have went through my code several times from yesterday and i am unable to figure out the source of the problem.
Current Code:
clear all
close all
L = [160 10 25 10 160]*1e-6; % [m] MEA layer thicknesses
kt = [1.6 0.27 0.3 0.27 1.6]; % [W/mK] Thermal conductivity
rcp = [1.58 1.56 1.9 1.56 1.58]*1e6; % [J/m3K] Volumetric heat capacity
Qtot = [0 10 100 120 15]*1e3; % [W] Heat Source
% Initial mesh
Nd = numel(L); % number of domains
nm = 11; %
x1 = linspace(0,L(1),11)';
x2 = linspace(x1(end),x1(end)+L(2),11).';
x3 = linspace(x2(end),x2(end)+L(3),11).';
x4 = linspace(x3(end),x3(end)+L(4),11).';
x5 = linspace(x4(end),x4(end)+L(5),11).';
x = [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5];
% Set initial conditions
T_start = 343;
T_end = T_start;
T0 = 343;
nodes = (Nd*nm)-(Nd-1);
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = T_start;
y0(2:nodes-1) = T0;
y0(nodes) = T_end;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:1:10;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot,Nd),tspan,y0);
%Plot results
xplot = [x1;x2(2:end);x3(2:end);x4(2:end);x5(2:end)];
% Function
function dy = fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot,Nd)
T1 = y(1:nm);
T2 = y(nm:2*nm-(Nd-4));
T3 = y(2*nm-(Nd-4):3*nm-(Nd-3));
T4 = y(3*nm-(Nd-3):4*nm-(Nd-2));
T5 = y(4*nm-(Nd-2):5*nm-(Nd-1));
% Compute temperature at ghost points
for i = 1:numel(L)-1
xg(i,1) = x(end,i)+(x(end,i)-x(end-1,i));
xg(i,2) = x(1,i+1)-(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
%Setup linear system of equations
a11 = kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i));
a12 = kt(i+1)/(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
b1 = kt(i)*T1(nm-1)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i))+kt(i+1)*T2(2)/(x(2,i+1)-xg(i,2))+Qtot(i+1)-Qtot(i);
a21 = (kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))/((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2 - (x(nm,1)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1);
a22 = (-kt(i+1)/(x(1,i+1)-xg(i,2))/((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
b2 = ((kt(i)*T1(nm)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))+kt(i)*(T1(nm)-T1(nm-1))/(x(nm,i)-x(nm-1,i)))/...
((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2-(x(nm,i)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1) +...
((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg(i,1) = sol(1);
Tg(i,2) = sol(2);
% Governing Equation
T1 = [T1;Tg(1,1)];
x1 = [x1;xg(1,1)];
dT1dt(1) = 0;
for i = 2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = ((kt(1)*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
T2 = [T2;Tg(2,1)];
x2 = [x2;xg(2,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = ((kt(2)*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
T3 = [T3;Tg(3,1)];
x3 = [x3;xg(3,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x3)-1
dT3dt(i) = ((kt(3)*(T3(i+1)-T3(i))/(x3(i+1)-x3(i)) -...
T4 = [T4;Tg(4,1)];
x4 = [x4;xg(4,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x4)-1
dT4dt(i) = ((kt(4)*(T4(i+1)-T4(i))/(x4(i+1)-x4(i)) -...
for i = 2:numel(x5)-1
dT5dt(i) = ((kt(5)*(T5(i+1)-T5(i))/(x5(i+1)-x5(i)) -...
dT5dt(end+1) = 0;
% Return derivatives
dy = [dT1dt(1:end),dT2dt(2:end),dT3dt(2:end),dT4dt(2:end),dT5dt(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
2023년 7월 28일
편집: Torsten
2023년 7월 28일
You must either have a differential equation for dT1dt(x1(end)) or dT2dt(x2(1)) to compute T at the first interface.
You must either have a differential equation for dT2dt(x2(end)) or dT3dt(x3(1)) to compute T at the second interface.
You must either have a differential equation for dT3dt(x3(end)) or dT4dt(x4(1)) to compute T at the third interface.
You must either have a differential equation for dT4dt(x4(end)) or dT5dt(x5(1)) to compute T at the fourth interface.
But you don't have these 4 differential equations in your code.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 28일
이동: Torsten
2023년 7월 28일
x1 = [x1;xg(1,1)]; This line includes actual interface point x1(end) when i say numel(x1)-1 right?
Also in your code, i do not see dT1dt(x1(end)) or dT2dt(x2(1)) to compute at the interface. I formulated in the similar way. So i am not understanding what you mean.
Your sample code:
T1 = [T1;Tg1];
x1 = [x1;xg1];
dT1dt(1) = 0.0;
for i=2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = (lambda1*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
% Zone 2
for i=2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = (lambda2*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
dT2dt(end+1) = 0.0;
2023년 7월 28일
Yes, you are correct. I overlooked that the xi vectors are enlarged by the ghost point. Thus the loops run up to the original length of the xi vectors.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 28일
Yes. Initially i thought there is some mistake in the heat source values, but when i make Qtot to zero, then it should be a normal heat flow problem without any heat source within the zones. Even with that, the results are not plausible.
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 28일
편집: Torsten
2023년 7월 28일
Oh i found a mistake. In the line for b1 and b2, i took always T1 and T2 instead of i within for loop. I have corrected it, but now again i have error.
Updated code:
clear all
close all
L = [160 10 25 10 160]*1e-6; % [m] MEA layer thicknesses
kt = [1.6 0.27 0.3 0.27 1.6]; % [W/mK] Thermal conductivity
rcp = [1.58 1.56 1.9 1.56 1.58]*1e6; % [J/m3K] Volumetric heat capacity
Qtot = [0 10 100 120 15]*1e3; % [W] Heat Source
% Initial mesh
Nd = numel(L); % number of domains
nm = 11;
% x = interp1(0:Nd, Lsum, linspace(0, Nd, Nd*10+1));
% x = sort([x Lsum(2:end-1)]); % duplicate interface nodes
x1 = linspace(0,L(1),11)';
x2 = linspace(x1(end),x1(end)+L(2),nm).';
x3 = linspace(x2(end),x2(end)+L(3),nm).';
x4 = linspace(x3(end),x3(end)+L(4),nm).';
x5 = linspace(x4(end),x4(end)+L(5),nm).';
x = [x1 x2 x3 x4 x5];
% Set initial conditions
T_start = 343;
T_end = T_start;
T0 = 0;
nodes = (Nd*nm)-(Nd-1);
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = T_start;
y0(2:nodes-1) = T0;
y0(nodes) = T_end;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:1:10;
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot,Nd),tspan,y0);
Warning: Failure at t=1.606731e-04. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (4.336809e-19) at time t.
%Plot results
xplot = [x1;x2(2:end);x3(2:end);x4(2:end);x5(2:end)];
% Function
function dy = fun(t,y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x,kt,rcp,nm,L,Qtot,Nd)
T1 = y(1:nm);
T2 = y(nm:2*nm-(Nd-4));
T3 = y(2*nm-(Nd-4):3*nm-(Nd-3));
T4 = y(3*nm-(Nd-3):4*nm-(Nd-2));
T5 = y(4*nm-(Nd-2):5*nm-(Nd-1));
T_coll = [T1 T2 T3 T4 T5];
% Compute temperature at ghost points
for i = 1:numel(L)-1
xg(i,1) = x(end,i)+(x(end,i)-x(end-1,i));
xg(i,2) = x(1,i+1)-(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
%Setup linear system of equations
a11 = kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i));
a12 = kt(i+1)/(x(2,i+1)-x(1,i+1));
b1 = kt(i)*T_coll(nm-1,i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm-1,i))+kt(i+1)*T_coll(2,i+1)/(x(2,i+1)-xg(i,2))+Qtot(i+1)-Qtot(i);
a21 = (kt(i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))/((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2 - (x(nm,1)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1);
a22 = (-kt(i+1)/(x(1,i+1)-xg(i,2))/((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
b2 = ((kt(i)*T_coll(nm,i)/(xg(i,1)-x(nm,i))+kt(i)*(T_coll(nm,i)-T_coll(nm-1,i))/(x(nm,i)-x(nm-1,i)))/...
((x(nm,i)+xg(i,1))/2-(x(nm,i)+x(nm-1,i))/2)+Qtot(i))*rcp(i+1) +...
((x(2,i+1)+x(1,i+1))/2 - (x(1,i+1)+xg(i,2))/2)+Qtot(i+1))*rcp(i);
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg(i,1) = sol(1);
Tg(i,2) = sol(2);
% Governing Equation
T1 = [T1;Tg(1,1)];
x1 = [x1;xg(1,1)];
dT1dt(1) = 0;
for i = 2:numel(x1)-1
dT1dt(i) = ((kt(1)*(T1(i+1)-T1(i))/(x1(i+1)-x1(i)) -...
T2 = [T2;Tg(2,1)];
x2 = [x2;xg(2,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x2)-1
dT2dt(i) = ((kt(2)*(T2(i+1)-T2(i))/(x2(i+1)-x2(i)) -...
T3 = [T3;Tg(3,1)];
x3 = [x3;xg(3,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x3)-1
dT3dt(i) = ((kt(3)*(T3(i+1)-T3(i))/(x3(i+1)-x3(i)) -...
T4 = [T4;Tg(4,1)];
x4 = [x4;xg(4,1)];
for i = 2:numel(x4)-1
dT4dt(i) = ((kt(4)*(T4(i+1)-T4(i))/(x4(i+1)-x4(i)) -...
for i = 2:numel(x5)-1
dT5dt(i) = ((kt(5)*(T5(i+1)-T5(i))/(x5(i+1)-x5(i)) -...
dT5dt(end+1) = 0;
% Return derivatives
dy = [dT1dt(1:end),dT2dt(2:end),dT3dt(2:end),dT4dt(2:end),dT5dt(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
채택된 답변
2023년 7월 28일
편집: Torsten
2023년 7월 28일
% Set physical parameters
L = [160 10 25 10 160]*1e-6; % [m] MEA layer thicknesses
kt = [1.6 0.27 0.3 0.27 1.6]; % [W/mK] Thermal conductivity
rcp = [1.58 1.56 1.9 1.56 1.58]*1e6; % [J/m3K] Volumetric heat capacity
Qtot = [0 10 100 120 15]*1e3; % [W] Heat Source
%Qtot = zeros(1,5);
% Number of mesh points in zones
nx = [11 11 11 11 11];
% Set boundary conditions
T_start = 343;
T_end = T_start;
% Set initial conditions
T0 = 0;
% Set time span of integration
tspan = 0:0.001:0.025;
% Create grid in domains
% Number of domains
Nd = numel(L);
% Grid vectors
xstart = 0;
xend = L(1);
x{1} = linspace(xstart,xend,nx(1)).';
for i = 2:Nd
xstart = xend;
xend = xstart + L(i);
x{i} = linspace(xstart,xend,nx(i)).';
% Number of ODEs to be solved
nodes = sum(nx) - (Nd-1);
% Create initial solution vector
y0 = zeros(nodes,1);
y0(1) = T_start;
y0(2:nodes-1) = T0;
y0(nodes) = T_end;
% Call solver
[T,Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)fun(t,y,Nd,nx,x,kt,rcp,Qtot),tspan,y0);
% Plot results
xplot = [x{1};x{2}(2:end);x{3}(2:end);x{4}(2:end);x{5}(2:end)];
% Function
function dy = fun(t,y,Nd,nx,x,kt,rcp,Qtot)
% Write y in local variables
ileft = 1;
iright = nx(1);
T{1} = y(ileft:iright);
for j = 2:Nd
ileft = iright ;
iright = ileft + nx(j) - 1;
T{j} = y(ileft:iright);
% Compute values in ghost points
for j = 1:Nd-1
T1 = T{j};
T2 = T{j+1};
x1 = x{j};
x2 = x{j+1};
lambda1 = kt(j);
lambda2 = kt(j+1);
rhocp1 = rcp(j);
rhocp2 = rcp(j+1);
nx1 = nx(j);
nx2 = nx(j+1);
Q1 = Qtot(j);
Q2 = Qtot(j+1);
xg1 = x1(end)+(x1(end)-x1(end-1));
xg2 = x2(1)-(x2(2)-x2(1));
% Set up linear system of equations for [Tg1, Tg2]
a11 = lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1-1));
a12 = lambda2/(x2(2)-xg2);
b1 = lambda1*T1(nx1-1)/(xg1-x1(nx1-1))+lambda2*T2(2)/(x2(2)-xg2);
a21 = (lambda1/(xg1-x1(nx1))/((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2 - (x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2))*rhocp2;
a22 = (-lambda2/(x2(1)-xg2)/((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2))*rhocp1;
b2 = ((lambda1*T1(nx1)/(xg1-x1(nx1))+lambda1*(T1(nx1)-T1(nx1-1))/(x1(nx1)-x1(nx1-1)))/...
((x1(nx1)+xg1)/2-(x1(nx1)+x1(nx1-1))/2)+Q1)*rhocp2 +...
((x2(2)+x2(1))/2 - (x2(1)+xg2)/2)+Q2)*rhocp1;
A = [a11,a12;a21,a22];
b = [b1;b2];
% Solve linear system for [Tg1, Tg2]
sol = A\b;
Tg1(j) = sol(1);
Tg2(j) = sol(2);
Xg1(j) = xg1;
Xg2(j) = xg2;
% Compute time derivatives
dTdt{1}(1) = 0.0;
for j = 1:Nd
if j < Nd
Tj = [T{j};Tg1(j)];
xj = [x{j};Xg1(j)];
Tj = T{j};
xj = x{j};
lambdaj = kt(j);
rhocpj = rcp(j);
Qj = Qtot(j);
for i=2:numel(xj)-1
dTdt{j}(i) = ((lambdaj*(Tj(i+1)-Tj(i))/(xj(i+1)-xj(i)) -...
dTdt{Nd}(end+1) = 0.0;
% Return time derivatives
dy = dTdt{1}(1:end);
for j = 2:Nd
dy = [dy,dTdt{j}(2:end)];
dy = dy.';
댓글 수: 2
Sachin Hegde
2023년 7월 28일
Wow! Wonderful! I need to go through the code once to understand where i went wrong. Thank you very much for your support Torsten. Have a nice weekend!
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