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ANN module can't do any prediction

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
impp 2023년 7월 24일
댓글: impp 2023년 7월 26일
% 某个水泥有5个制造参数,一共有13组数据如下矩阵:
data = [1 60; 1 28; 1 7; 0.75 60; 0.75 28; 0.75 7; 0.5 60; 0.5 28; 0.5 7; 0.25 60; 0.25 28; 0.25 7; 0 60; 0 28; 0 7];
% 该水泥压力结果如下矩阵:
pressure = [80;79;75;77;72.5; 72;63;59;53;45;35;22;20;16;15];
% 数据标准化
[dataNorm, mu, sigma] = zscore(data);
net = feedforwardnet([2,2]); % 3层隐藏层,第一层1个神经元,第二层2个神经元,第三层3个神经元
net.trainFcn = 'trainscg'; % 使用Levenberg-Marquardt算法
net.performFcn = 'mse'; % 使用均方误差作为性能函数
net.trainParam.epochs = 1000; % 设置迭代次数为1000次
net.trainParam.goal = 1e-6; % 设置误差目标值
net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; % 随机划分训练集、验证集和测试集
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 1;
net.performParam.regularization = 0.1; % 设置正则化项系数
% 训练神经网络模型
[net, tr] = train(net, dataNorm', pressure', 'useParallel', 'no'); % 添加'useParallel'参数
% 预测结果
pressurePred = net(dataNorm')';
% 结果可视化
hold on;
title('Actual vs Predicted Pressure');
% 性能评估
mse = mean((pressure-pressurePred).^2);
r2 = corrcoef(pressure,pressurePred)^2;
% 测试数据
test_inputs = [ 1 60; 0.5 28];
% 归一化测试数据
test_inputs_norm = (test_inputs - mu) ./ sigma;
% 使用训练好的模型进行预测
test_outputs_norm = net(test_inputs_norm')';
test_outputs = test_outputs_norm .* std(pressure) + mean(pressure);
% 显示结果
I had prepared an ANN module for training database, and start with a make up matrix. Testing result showed it is workable. But when I put 2 groups of input for prediction, the output is over 1000, which the maxium output of the training data is 80. And no matter how I change the training data input, the prediction outputs are around 1k-3k. Are there any bugs in my code?

답변 (1개)

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo 2023년 7월 24일
Your output was not normalized when you trained the neural network. You do not have to multiply standard deviation of pressure and add mean at line 46.
% There are 5 manufacturing parameters for a certain cement, and there are 13 sets of data in the following matrix:
data = [1 60; 1 28; 1 7; 0.75 60; 0.75 28; 0.75 7; 0.5 60; 0.5 28; 0.5 7; 0.25 60; 0.25 28; 0.25 7; 0 60; 0 28; 0 7];
% The pressure results of the cement are as follows:
pressure = [80;79;75;77;72.5; 72;63;59;53;45;35;22;20;16;15];
% Data normalization
[dataNorm, mu, sigma] = zscore(data);
% New neural network model
net = feedforwardnet([2,2]); % 3 layers of hidden units, the first layer has 1 neuron, the second layer has 2 neurons, and the third layer has 3 neurons
net.trainFcn = 'trainscg'; % Use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for training
net.performFcn = 'mse'; % Use mean squared error as the performance function
net.trainParam.epochs = 1000; % Set the number of epochs to 1000
net.trainParam.goal = 1e-6; % Set the error goal
net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; % Randomly divide the data into training, validation, and test sets
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 1;
net.performParam.regularization = 0.1; % Set the regularization coefficient
% Train the neural network model
[net, tr] = train(net, dataNorm', pressure', 'useParallel', 'no'); % Add 'useParallel' parameter
% Predict the results
pressurePred = net(dataNorm')';
% Visualize the results
hold on;
title('Actual vs Predicted Pressure');
% Performance evaluation
mse = mean((pressure-pressurePred).^2);
r2 = corrcoef(pressure,pressurePred)^2;
% Test data
test_inputs = [ 1 60; 0.5 28];
% Normalize the test data
test_inputs_norm = (test_inputs - mu) ./ sigma;
% Use the trained model for prediction
test_outputs_norm = net(test_inputs_norm')';
% test_outputs = test_outputs_norm .* std(pressure) + mean(pressure);
% Display the results


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