How to find node coordinates for the provided honeycomb structure as shown in picture below

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Side lenght, and center must be user input.

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 6월 18일
I'm not sure the image you posted has enough resolution in the small hexagons to resolve them. If you have a much higher resolution image, it would be possible.
To get user input, modify this snippet:
% Ask user for two floating point numbers.
defaultValue = {'45.67', '78.91'};
titleBar = 'Enter values';
userPrompt = {'Enter floating point number 1 : ', 'Enter floating point number 2: '};
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, defaultValue);
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
% Convert to floating point from string.
usersValue1 = str2double(caUserInput{1})
usersValue2 = str2double(caUserInput{2})
% Check usersValue1 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue1)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue1.
usersValue1 = str2double(defaultValue{1});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue1);
% Do the same for usersValue2
% Check usersValue2 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue2)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue2.
usersValue2 = str2double(defaultValue{2});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue2);
  댓글 수: 3
Nupur 2023년 6월 18일
Also i tried above code, it is not giving me desired output.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 6월 18일
Why not? Did you change this line:
userPrompt = {'Enter floating point number 1 : ', 'Enter floating point number 2: '};
userPrompt = {'Enter side length : ', 'Enter center '};

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