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Plotting an implicit curve

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Edoardo Cioffi
Edoardo Cioffi 2023년 5월 27일
댓글: Torsten 2023년 5월 27일
I was wondering on how I could plot this curve :
I tried both 'fplot' and 'plot' but I kept getting this : 'Input must be a function handle or symbolic function. '. If I use 'fimplicit3' I get an empty graph.
  댓글 수: 7
Edoardo Cioffi
Edoardo Cioffi 2023년 5월 27일
I solved a second order differential equation where the solutions of the characteristic polynomial are complex. Basically x3(t) and x4(t) are the state of position and velocity. I wanted to draw the phase plane and with some algebra you get the equation I wrote at the beginning. The values of the parameters can be all the positive numbers.
Torsten 2023년 5월 27일
You might use plot3(t,x3,x4) or something similar after getting numerical arrays from the solution of your 2nd order ODE, but to do so, you don't need the equation from above.

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