Image processing for crack detection and length estimation

조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
BB BSB 2015년 4월 9일
편집: Preetham Manjunatha 2025년 1월 7일
Hi, I have written the following matlab code to do the following:-
  • load rgb image of surface
  • contrast stretch
  • convert rgb to gray scale
  • image segmentation
  • morphological operations (thin, clean , fill, etc...)
  • imtool for pixel length determination
  • Calculation of crack length based on calibration of image and above determined pixel lenght.
My aim is to develop the SIMPLEST matlab code for automatic detection of cracks and estimate the length of the crack (if possible other geometrical properties) from a sample image.
The code is shown below:
%%load image
title('Original image')
%%Image adjust
Istrech = imadjust(I,stretchlim(I));
title('Contrast stretched image')
%%Convert RGB image to gray
Igray_s = rgb2gray(Istrech);
title('RGB to gray (contrast stretched) ')
%%Image segmentation by thresholding
%use incremental value to run this selection till required threshold 'level' is
level = 0.08;
Ithres = im2bw(Igray_h,level);
title('Segmented cracks')
%%Image morphological operation
BW = bwmorph(gradmag,'clean',10);
title('Cleaned image')
BW = bwmorph(gradmag,'thin', inf);
title('Thinned image')
BW = imfill(gradmag, 'holes')
title('Filled image')
%%Image tool
%%Calaculate crack length
crack_length=(crack_pixel *calibration_length)/calibration_pixels;
Please, I need help from image specialist to improve the code from above to meet my aim. I have also attached a sample picture that I am using for this code.
Picture two.jpg is attached below:
  댓글 수: 3
Hari krishna
Hari krishna 2019년 11월 3일
Could someone please help me to measure the crack and sketch a line on a diagram .
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019년 11월 3일
We'll try, after you've read this link

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채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015년 4월 9일
You're just arbitrarily setting
You're not even doing it manually (with user assistance) - you're just setting some arbitrary number. What's up with that? If you need code to find the distance between the farthest points in a binary blob, see my attached demo.
  댓글 수: 15
Pilli Lalvinnu
Pilli Lalvinnu 2022년 5월 7일
ma'am I am doing the same project. I would reaaly appreciate it if you could help me out!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 5월 7일
@Pilli Lalvinnu, sure. What sort of help do you need? I'm assuming you started with the solutions given here but they didn't work for your image(s) so start a new question with your code and images attached, and ask a specific question and we'll help.

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추가 답변 (6개)

Dan 2015년 4월 13일
I just glanced at your code and if you need a completely automated system, you need to either define what constitutes a crack beforehand OR have the system learn these rules using something like a neural net.
But... that's a bigger project. In the short term, you might want to play with the graythresh function that will automate your selection of a threshold.
Just my $0.02.
  댓글 수: 1
BB BSB 2015년 4월 14일
편집: BB BSB 2015년 4월 14일
I see, for timeline limits Id rather attempt the easier of the 3 methods you outlined which I guess is playing around with graythresh function.
Any hints as to how or what to look out for in doing so? Because my first approach would be to scale by a factor??? make any sense? Thanks.

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Yashwanth G M
Yashwanth G M 2019년 3월 25일
Sir help me to find out the area of a solar panel interms of

Ram kumar R
Ram kumar R 2020년 2월 12일
i got error in line no.21 as Ithres = im2bw(Igray_h,level) can u explain it ?
  댓글 수: 4
Ayoub MOSSLIH 2021년 2월 28일
Undefined function or variable 'gradmag'.
Error in Untitled (line 30)
BW = bwmorph(gradmag,'clean',10);
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 2월 28일
@Ayoub MOSSLIH, we have no idea what code you ran. Please start a new question and attach your image and m-file there.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021년 1월 2일
See my attached demo that computes both the tortuosity and mean width.
  댓글 수: 10
AMAR SAISH 2023년 1월 2일
sir, i have done image segmentation for crack images. Now, i want to find the length and width of crack, so i should use this code on original images or segmented images ??

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Meherunnisa 2023년 5월 12일
%%load image
I=imread('two.jpg'); figure,imshow(I) title('Original image')
%%Image adjust
Istrech = imadjust(I,stretchlim(I)); figure,imshow(Istrech) title('Contrast stretched image')
%%Convert RGB image to gray
Igray_s = rgb2gray(Istrech); figure,imshow(Igray_s,[]) title('RGB to gray (contrast stretched) ')
%%Image segmentation by thresholding %use incremental value to run this selection till required threshold 'level' is %achieved
level = 0.08; Ithres = im2bw(Igray_h,level); figure,imshow(Ithres) title('Segmented cracks')
%%Image morphological operation
BW = bwmorph(gradmag,'clean',10); figure,imshow(BW) title('Cleaned image')
BW = bwmorph(gradmag,'thin', inf); figure,imshow(BW) title('Thinned image')
BW = imfill(gradmag, 'holes') figure,imshow(BW) title('Filled image')
%%Image tool
figure,imtool(BW1) figure,imtool(I)
%%Calaculate crack length
calibration_length=0.001; calibration_pixels=1000; crack_pixel=35;
crack_length=(crack_pixel *calibration_length)/calibration_pixels;
  댓글 수: 1
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 5월 12일
Your crack length computation does not even look at any measurements from the image. It just uses arbitrary values hard coded in.

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Preetham Manjunatha
Preetham Manjunatha 2024년 11월 30일
편집: Preetham Manjunatha 2025년 1월 7일
Here is the MATLAB Crack segmentation and Crack width, length and area estimation codes to calculate/estimate the crack area, width and length. In addition, this package assumes the crack is segmented either using morphological method or multiscale gradient-based or deep learning semantic segmentation methods. This package estimates the crack area, width and length (pixel scale can be provided to estimate these physical quantities).


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