I made a custome Library block which is basically a masked subsystem. I've put the masked subsystem inside another subytem and in its initialization section i made a code that replicates and connect copies of the custome block according to the wished number.
In order to achieve this, all the blocks need to be deleted along with the lines connecting each block. To delete the lines i inserted the folowing code which works fine:
lines = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth','1','LookUnderMasks','On','FindAll','On','Type','Line');
Now for the customed blocks i can't do the same since it doesnt get recognized. Following code has been tried:
blks = find_system(sys,'SearchDepth','1','LookUnderMasks','On','FindAll','On', 'BlockType', 'SubSystem');
Using Simulink.SubSystem.deleteContents(gcb) i was able to delete everything. However this deletes the ports as well which is something that i dont want to have since any conection with the main subsystem will be terminated. Any idea..?