Error regarding array while creating Nakagami-m Fading Model

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Muhammad Omama
Muhammad Omama 2023년 5월 7일
답변: the cyclist 2023년 5월 7일
I have writen this code and have found an error as shown below,
%% Signal parameters
bit_rate = 900e6; % bit rate in bits per second
samples_per_bit = 32; % number of samples per bit
carrier_freq = 1200e6; % carrier frequency in Hz
symbol_rate = bit_rate / log2(16); % symbol rate in symbols per second
symbols_per_bit = samples_per_bit / log2(16); % number of symbols per bit
rolloff = 0.5; % pulse shaping rolloff factor
span = 6; % pulse shaping filter span in symbols
sps = 4; % samples per symbol for pulse shaping
%% Generate random data
num_bits = 1e6; % number of bits to transmit
data = randi([0 1], num_bits, 1); % generate random binary data
%% Modulate data
tx_symbols = qammod(data, 16); % modulate data using 16-QAM
%% Pulse shaping
tx_filter = rcosdesign(rolloff, span, sps); % generate pulse shaping filter
tx_waveform = upfirdn(tx_symbols, tx_filter, sps); % apply pulse shaping filter
%% Add carrier and transmit waveform
t = (0:length(tx_waveform)-1) / bit_rate; % time vector
carrier = exp(1j * 2 * pi * carrier_freq * t); % generate carrier waveform
tx_waveform = real(tx_waveform .* carrier.'); % modulate waveform onto carrier
%% Simulate Nakagami-m fading channel
m = 1.5; % Nakagami-m fading parameter
snr_db = 20; % SNR in dB
snr = 10^(snr_db / 10); % convert SNR to linear scale
rx_waveform = nakagami_fading(tx_waveform, snr, m); % apply Nakagami-m fading
%% Demodulate data
rx_symbols = rx_waveform ./ carrier.'; % demodulate waveform
rx_data = qamdemod(rx_symbols, 16); % demodulate symbols into binary data
%% Compute BER
ber = sum(data ~= rx_data) / num_bits; % compute bit error rate
fprintf('Bit error rate: %g\n', ber);
%% Nakagami-m fading function
function [rx_waveform] = nakagami_fading(tx_waveform, snr, m)
h = (randn(size(tx_waveform)) + 1j * randn(size(tx_waveform))) / sqrt(2); % generate Rayleigh fading channel
g = sqrt(gamrnd(m, 1/m, size(tx_waveform))); % generate Nakagami-m fading envelope
n = sqrt(1 / (2 * snr)) * (randn(size(tx_waveform)) + 1j * randn(size(tx_waveform))); % generate Gaussian noise
rx_waveform = g .* h .* tx_waveform + n; % apply fading and noise
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Error in untitled (line 38)
ber = sum(data ~= rx_data) / num_bits; % compute bit error rate
How to fix this error?

답변 (1개)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2023년 5월 7일
If you use the MATLAB debugger, and stop your code just before that line, you'll see that the variable data and rx_data are not the same size, and therefore cannot be compare with the ~= operator.


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