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Hi! How I can write condition "If, else if" for repeated value of variable ?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hello! Kindly ask about variables and condition. I have two variables plane00, and plane01. In some cases they can be parallel, and if plane01 equal to 6 second time then statement will be another
How I can write condition if for repeated value of variable
plane01 equal to 6 second time, then calculate Phi = 180 - Phi0;
Before I use condidition if plane00 and plane01 are parallel each other, and if plane01 again == 6, then statement will another
I used this one
elseif all(ismember([plane00, plane01], parallel_planes(3,:)))
disp('Parallel 3rd row 5 and 6 plane');
PhiBar = -(180 + Phi0); %last
ThetaBar = (90 - Theta0);
Thank you in advance for your time and any advice
Best regards, Aknur

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Sivapriya Srinivasan
Sivapriya Srinivasan 2023년 4월 25일
Hello Aknur,
You can modify the code to modify the exiting elseif statement to include an additional check
if all(ismember([plane00, plane01], parallel_planes(3,:)))
if plane01 == 6
% calculate Phi as 180 - Phi0
Phi = 180 - Phi0;
disp('Parallel 3rd row 5 and 6 plane with plane01 = 6 seconds');
% calculate PhiBar as -(180 + Phi0)
PhiBar = -(180 + Phi0);
ThetaBar = 90 - Theta0;
disp('Parallel 3rd row 5 and 6 plane');
if statement checks if both plane00 and plane01 are parallel to the third row of the parallel_planes matrix
if plane01 equals to 6seonds then code calculates phi as 190minus phi0
if not then phiBar as –(180+phi0) and thetaBar as 90-theta0
finally code displays a message indicating whether plane01 was equal tro 6seconds or not
You may need to modify the code depending on your specific use case
Hope this helps!
  댓글 수: 1
Aknur 2023년 4월 28일
Thank you for your help. Yes it works for only one time.
My question was how to make that if plane01 == 6 second time, like in first iteration if plane01 == 6 % calculate Phi as 180 - Phi0 , but if plane01 == 6 again then accept Phi0 as another value of Phi0 (Phi(ii-1)) which were before

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