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How to subcategorize dates from a datetime table?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Ashfaq Ahmed
Ashfaq Ahmed 2023년 4월 4일
댓글: Peter Perkins 2023년 4월 5일
Hi all,
I have a datetime table in this Period.mat file (attached) where I have a date list starting from 01/01/2005 to 12/31/2019. I want to sub-categorize the datetime table like this -
01/01/2005 to 12/31/2007
06/01/2006 to 06/31/2008
01/01/2007 to 12/31/2009
06/01/2008 to 06/31/2010
01/01/2009 to 12/31/2011
06/01/2010 to 06/31/2012
01/01/2017 to 12/31/2019
06/01/2018 to 06/31/2019
Eahc of these date range can be in an array. So, there will be a big cell array that contains each of these sub group. Can anyone please give me an idea on how to do that?
Any feedback will be highly appreciated!

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023년 4월 4일
If you have a timetable use a timerange to index into it to retrieve the appropriate section of the timetable then perform whatever calculations you need on those sections. I don't think groupsummary will do what you want here because the groups overlap.
  댓글 수: 3
Ashfaq Ahmed
Ashfaq Ahmed 2023년 4월 4일
Nevermind! It is actually possible. I was trying S[1] instead. My bad!
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2023년 4월 5일
Much as in your other similar question, I thiknk you want to end up with a table that has your timerange's (or maybe a text representation, or maybe both) in one variable, and a cell array containing different-length datetime vectors in another.
As Steve says, you can't use groupsummary or a grouped varfun here, because the "groups" overlap. You'll need to loop and use each timerange separately.

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