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dot indexing in a function handle

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2023년 3월 10일
댓글: Rik 2023년 3월 10일
Hi all,
Is it possible to use dot indexing in a function handle? Or at least ignore an output?
Please look at the code below.
format shortG
P = 100;
vel = 1.5066e+03;
omegab = 0;
L = 30480;
E = 200000;
I = 1.6253e6;
b = 2438;
h = 20;
A = b * h;
rho = 7.8E-9;
jmax = 5;
varMean = [P vel];
varStd = abs([0.15 0.15] .* varMean);
varDist = ["normal","normal"];
g = @(X) 1.76 - beamUnderMovingLoad(X(1),X(2),L,E,I,omegab,rho,A,jmax);
inputs = struct('means', varMean, 'stds', varStd, 'dists', varDist, 'g_func', g, 'N', 10000);
output = monteCarloSimulation(inputs)
It runs properly when the function 'beamUnderMovingLoad()' has only one output, but Id like to select the output in the 'g' function.
Trust all clear!

채택된 답변

Rik 2023년 3월 10일
편집: Rik 2023년 3월 10일
You will have to write a wrapper that can select an output for you. There is no built-in functionality to do so.
Some like this should work:
function out=output_selector(fun,k,varargin)
% Select the k-th output variable given some input.
% The first input should be a function handle. Any inputs required for the
% function can provided as extra arguments.
out = cell(1,k);
out = out{end};
  댓글 수: 8
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2023년 3월 10일
Now it works perfect!
i really appreciate your help
Rik 2023년 3월 10일
You're welcome

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