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How to replace certain array values ​​using if, for or while?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Brenno Selli
Brenno Selli 2023년 3월 8일
편집: Arka 2023년 3월 8일
I have this 45x10 array with vallues between 0 and 2.5, I want to replace those values with letters if certain conditions are being atended.
The conditions are:
If the value is greater than 1.6, it gets grade E... if the value is greater than 1 and less than 1.6, it will receive a D grade... If the value is greater than 0.63 and less than 1, it receives a grade of C... If the value is greater than 0.315 and less than 0.63, it receives a grade of B...And finally, if the value is less than 0.315, it receives an A grade.
It can also be grades between 2 and 10 following the same ones I showed earlier (E=2, D=4, C=6, B=8 and A=10), but it would be better if the letters were used.

채택된 답변

Arka 2023년 3월 8일
편집: Arka 2023년 3월 8일
You can use conditional indexing to achieve this.
This is the MATLAB code for the same:
scores = [0.2200 0.2946 0.3848 0.4869 0.5895 0.6857 0.7750 0.8591 0.9400 1.0192;
0.3489 0.4471 0.5495 0.6561 0.7580 0.8507 0.9363 1.0182 1.0984 1.1775;
0.3319 0.4348 0.5357 0.6343 0.7288 0.8186 0.9048 0.9892 1.0732 1.1566;
0.2766 0.3724 0.4812 0.5927 0.6978 0.7948 0.8862 0.9756 1.0657 1.1583;
0.2744 0.3508 0.4232 0.4876 0.5453 0.5983 0.6478 0.6950 0.7404 0.7843;
0.2084 0.2623 0.3129 0.3615 0.4092 0.4555 0.4989 0.5384 0.5739 0.6064;
0.2715 0.3434 0.4023 0.4543 0.5060 0.5596 0.6140 0.6672 0.7171 0.7626;
0.1909 0.2539 0.3181 0.3812 0.4419 0.4991 0.5526 0.6032 0.6521 0.7007;
0.1993 0.2523 0.3038 0.3547 0.4052 0.4549 0.5045 0.5555 0.6095 0.6667;
0.3176 0.3967 0.4696 0.5367 0.5995 0.6587 0.7161 0.7749 0.8382 0.9075;
0.2000 0.2609 0.3223 0.3814 0.4367 0.4880 0.5360 0.5830 0.6314 0.6824;
0.3302 0.4083 0.4813 0.5507 0.6168 0.6790 0.7392 0.8011 0.8678 0.9404;
0.3534 0.4301 0.5064 0.5810 0.6526 0.7233 0.7956 0.8706 0.9491 1.0313;
0.3786 0.4476 0.5026 0.5516 0.6003 0.6532 0.7126 0.7784 0.8489 0.9222;
0.3516 0.4468 0.5364 0.6223 0.7031 0.7767 0.8434 0.9051 0.9635 1.0191];
grades = zeros(size(scores));
grades(scores > 1.6) = 'E';
grades((scores > 1) & (scores <= 1.6)) = 'D';
grades((scores > 0.63) & (scores <= 1)) = 'C';
grades((scores > 0.315) & (scores <= 0.63)) = 'B';
grades(scores < 0.315) = 'A';
scores = char(grades)
Now you can access individual grades using matrix indexing. To access the grade in the ith row and jth column:
To learn more about conditional indexing, please refer to the MathWorks documentation below:

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