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standalone app build on linux fails

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Marcel Rutten
Marcel Rutten 2023년 3월 7일
답변: Roman 2024년 3월 11일
Hi, I'm trying to build a standalone app for a virtual cohort generator, to be deployed on a machine without matlab installed. Matlab version R2022b, glnxa64 architecture, fedora 36. The build fails with the following message (after echoeing the command line that leads to the error):
Error while determining required deployable files. Compilation terminated. Details:
mcc failed.
When I run the echoed mcc command from a terminal, the verbosity is slightly better:
mcc -o virtual_cohort_generator_gui -W main:virtual_cohort_generator_gui -T link:exe -d /home/marcelr/edu/PhD/sabine/virtual_cohort_generator_gui/virtual_cohort_generator_gui/for_testing -v /home/marcelr/edu/PhD/sabine/virtual_cohort_generator_gui/virtual_cohort_generator_gui.m
mclCopyDir failed: Failed copying '/home/marcelr/.matlab/R2022b/matlab.prf' to '/tmp/mcc1d83-aada-fcda-6d43.tmp/user/matlab.prf': reason 'fl:filesystem:SystemError'
Failed to copy user-level MATLAB settings from "/home/marcelr/.matlab/R2022b" into temporary directory "/tmp/mcc1d83-aada-fcda-6d43.tmp/user". Cannot continue without risk of corrupting MATLAB settings.
What could be the problem here? File permissions are set to full access (for the user (me)).

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 3월 7일
you need Update 4 of R2022b
  댓글 수: 1
Marcel Rutten
Marcel Rutten 2023년 3월 10일
I had update 2, now update 5.
Works like a charm, thanks.

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Roman 2024년 3월 11일
I had the same problem. For me, the solution was to set TMPDIR to point somewhere but not to /tmp/


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