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How to add trip_sum to table without error?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Amir Hussain
Amir Hussain 2023년 2월 5일
답변: Walter Roberson 2023년 2월 5일
Hey so my table populates without tripsum but when i go to add tripsum i get error stating- Error using ()
The number of table variables in an assignment must match.
For each car i count battery usage in 5 min increments and want to sum usage for each trip, then move to next trip. I do get correct value for my last trip(j value) in workspace so unsure why it wont attribute. thanks
for j = 1:tripsedan
trip_num = j;
duration= round(tripdistances(j)/fivemindist);
endtriptime= round(departuretime + duration);
nextdeparturetime= round(endtriptime + randi([6 48 ]));
trip_sum = 0;
for k=departuretime:endtriptime
% check potential trip usage
usage(k)= (p1*x^2 + p2*x + p3) * fivemindist;
trip_sum = trip_sum + usage(k);
% check state of charge after each trip
% added=0;
% if SOCLevel<= 20
% % charge car fully or partially
% for l = endTripTime:nextdeparturetime-1
% demand(l) = charger(chType)/12;
% added= added +demand(l);
% end
% SOCLevel= ((SOCLevel/100)*Sedan_Battery + added)/Sedan_Battery*100;
% end
% trip_table(j,:)= table(trip_num, departuretime, endtriptime, tripdistances(j), ...
% 'VariableNames', {'TripNum', 'DepartureTime', 'EndTripTime', 'TripDistance'});
trip_table(j,:)= table(trip_num, departuretime, endtriptime, tripdistances(j), trip_sum, ...
'VariableNames', {'TripNum', 'DepartureTime', 'EndTripTime', 'TripDistance', 'TripSum'});
departuretime= round(nextdeparturetime);
  댓글 수: 1
Amir Hussain
Amir Hussain 2023년 2월 5일
coded out table works, just adding seems issue

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답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 2월 5일
You have an existing trip_table variable that was built with a different number of variables.
I suggest you build your table once, and then make assignments along the lines of
trip_table(end+1,:) = {trip_num, departuretime, endtriptime, tripdistances(j), trip_sum};
When you assign a cell array into an existing table, the contents of the cells are matched to the corresponding variable by position.


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