How to save a fig file and re-open it with the same figure number?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Very simple question which I cannot find a simple answer to:
If I save a figure with a particular figure number as a *.fig file, is there a way to keep that figure number information when reopening the figure using openfig?
f = figure(1000);
fNumber= f.Number; %result = 1000
g = openfig('figure1000.fig');
gNumber = g.Number; %result = 1
This example results in fNumber = 1000 and gNumber = 1. When I save a figure, I want MATLAB to be able to open the figure exactly as it was, including the figure number. Might be missing something obvious here...
Any help is appreciated.

채택된 답변

Eric Delgado
Eric Delgado 2022년 10월 5일
Try this!
f = figure(1000);
ax = axes(f);
plot(ax, randn(1001, 1)) % Let's create some data visualization!
g = openfig('figure1000.fig', 'invisible');
h = figure(1000);
copyobj(g.Children, h)

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