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Basic iterative schemes in matlab

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
A 2015년 3월 5일
댓글: John D'Errico 2015년 3월 5일
I am becoming acquainted with solving basic linear problems in matlab iteratively. So, I apologize for this very basic question.
I am writing a program to solve Ax=f, for a randomly generated matrix (say, of size 6).
I want to extract to break A into M and N, where A=M-N.
I have written a code for this, and I would like to determine the number of iterations that are required before the solution converges. However, my solution does not converge! It blows up to infinity. I have checked to make sure the matrix is non-singular, and I think I have the iterative scheme correct. I would be very grateful if someone could please check my work and let me know where I might be going wrong. Here is my code:
%A is a random matrix
A = randn(scale,scale);
if det(A)==0
fprintf('Matrix is singular');
fprintf('Matrix is non singular');
%need to construct M and subtract N from it
%M contains diagonal elements, here a tridiagonal;
%N contains off diagonal elements of A
M=tril(triu(A,-1),1); %tri diagonal
%tril(triu(A,-2),2) %penta diagonal
%B is a random name for a check to ensure that A=M-N
B=M-N; %Check that we infact get back matrix A
%Solve A*x=f
x=zeros(length(M),1); %starting vector
k=1; %iteration parameter
tol=1e-3; %tolernace of the convergence, dictated by the 2-norm of r
while norm(r)>=tol
x(:,k+1)=M\-N*(x(:,k) + f)
Added a condition:
if abs(max(E))>=1
fprintf('Conditions do not hold')
However, there are times when the random matrix A satisfied this condition, and runs through the while look, and still blows up! Any ideas?
  댓글 수: 4
A 2015년 3월 5일
Thank you! I'll implement the rank comment. And will clean up the naming of my parameters momentarily.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2015년 3월 5일
And finally, while I usually don't bother to up-vote questions (not sure why not) I did do so here. That is because I did like that you included your code, that despite the terrible choices for variable names and use of det, it was moderately easy to read. And finally, you wrote some code, then decided to think about what it was doing, and why it was doing that. One who thinks about what it is they are doing gains my respect.

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John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2015년 3월 5일
편집: John D'Errico 2015년 3월 5일
(Note: I've not checked to see if your iterative code actually represents the scheme you seem to want to use. Really, I had no need to do so, because the answer is, it WILL diverge almost always for such a random mnatrix.)
Your question comes down to, under what circumstances would such a scheme diverge? Perhaps you want to consider if the Jacobi method always converges, for any matrix. (No, it will not in general converge for such a random matrix.)
As the wiki page points out,
A = randn(scale,scale);
M=tril(triu(A,-1),1); %tri diagonal
Now, what does that page point out as a general requirement for convergence for such a scheme?
ans =
Significantly greater than 1. Not gonna converge.

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