IFFT of signal after transfer functions have been applied

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Nerma Caluk
Nerma Caluk 2022년 9월 22일
답변: Chunru 2022년 9월 22일
I have data points of a signal having a specific unit over time intervals, onto which I need to apply transfer functions for filtering. I have first computed the Fourier Transform of the signal and generated frequnecies based on the sampling interval:
Y = fft(SPZ);
f = Fs*(0:length(Y)-1)/length(Y);
w = 2*pi*f;
Then I have ran the omegas (w) through the Transfer Functions.
Since I am in a need of a time-domain signal after filter application, I am required to do the IFFT of the cleaned signal. Hence, why I proceeded as follows:
Y_corr = Y./Tf'; % Tf - values after ran through Transfer Functions
However, conducting the IFFT of Y_corr gives me all NaN values.
Furthermore, if I multiply Y by Tf, I get only half of the signal (Picutre attached) but the units are very confusing then.
I think I am missing something or plugging in something wrong, but I do not know why.
Thank You for your help!

답변 (1개)

Chunru 2022년 9월 22일
Your transfer function Tf likely has values of 0 and the division operation Y./Tf making Y_corr has inf values so that IFFT cannot be computed.
If you can show your data and code, we may be able to be more specific.


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