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binary file operations write and read

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ZhG 2015년 2월 24일
I am trying to write some 2D coordinates into a binary file. However, what I read from the file that had been writen is quite different from the original data. Details are given here.
For example, I have 45 (X,Y) points. Both X and Y are integral number less than 600. The simulation requires store each of them with two bytes (8 bits) and 2 upper bits of each byte is reserved (for X, the reserved bits are filled by .mrk which is 1 or 2; for Y, simply use 0 instead). In this case, 14 bits binary number is able to represent the maximum, 16383. I write the data in several ways:
in_tmp is structure consisted of points number (.nm), points reserved mark (.mrk) and points coordinates (.coor)
for i=1:in_tmp.nm
x1 = dec2bin(in_tmp.coor(i,1));
y1 = dec2bin(in_tmp.coor(i,2));
t1 = in_tm.mrk(i);
t2 = '01';
t2b = 1;
t2 = '10';
t2b = 2;
lenx = 16-length(x1);
leny = 16-length(y1);
x1hl = strcat(t2, '00000000000000'); % High and low
y1hl = '0000000000000000';
x1a = strcat(x1hl(1:lenx), num2str(x1));
y1a = strcat(y1hl(1:leny), num2str(y1));
y1a(1:2) = '00';
% x1b = in_tmp.coor(i,1);
% y1b = in_tmp.coor(i,2);
% fwrite(fp1, t2b, 'ubit2');
% fwrite(fp1, x1b, 'ubit14');
% fwrite(fp1, 0, 'ubit2');
% fwrite(fp1, y1b, 'ubit14');
fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(x1a), 'uint16');
fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(y1a), 'uint16');
% fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(x1a(1:8)), 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(x1a(9:end)), 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(y1a(1:8)), 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, bin2dec(y1a(9:end)), 'uint8');
% x1c = in_tmp.coor(i,1);
% y1c = in_tmp.coor(i,2);
% x1hex = dec2hex(x1c);
% y1hex = dec2hex(y1c);
% if(length(x1hex)>2)
% x1h = x1hex(1:end-2);
% x1l = x1hex(end-1:end);
% else
% x1h = dec2hex(0);
% x1l = x1hex;
% end
% tx1h = dec2bin(hex2dec(x1h));
% l1 = length(tx1h);
% bin0 = dec2bin(128); % '10000000'
% if(t1==1)
% bin0(end-l1+1:end) = tx1h;
% bin0(1)=0;
% bin0(2)=1;
% elseif(t1==2)
% bin0(end-l1+1:end) = tx1h;
% end
% x1h = bin2dec(tx1h);
% if(length(y1hex)>2)
% y1h = y1hex(1:end-2);
% y1l = y1hex(end-1:end);
% else
% y1h = dec2hex(0);
% y1l = y1hex;
% end
% fwrite(fp1, x1h, 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, hex2dec(x1l), 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, hex2dec(y1h), 'uint8');
% fwrite(fp1, hex2dec(y1l), 'uint8');
The way I read it
for i=1:mt.nm % nm points.
mred(i,6) = fread(fp1, 1, 'uint8'); % Raw X coordinates.
mred(i,7) = fread(fp1, 1, 'uint8'); % upper 2 bits are reserved info.
tmpx = [dec2bin(mred(i,6)), dec2bin(mred(i,7))];
mred(i,4) = bin2dec(tmpx(1:2)); % Real Mark.
mred(i,1) = bin2dec(tmpx(3:end)); % Real X.
mred(i,4) = bin2dec(tmpx(1)); % Real Type.
mred(i,1) = bin2dec(tmpx(2:end)); % Real X.
mred(i,4) = bin2dec(tmpx(1:2)); % Type unknown.
mred(i,1) = bin2dec(tmpx(3:end)); % Real X.
mred(i,8) = fread(fp1, 1, 'uint8'); % Y coordinates.
mred(i,9) = fread(fp1, 1, 'uint8'); % upper 2 bits are reserved.
tmpy = [dec2bin(mred(i,8)), dec2bin(mred(i,9))];
mred(i,10) = bin2dec(tmpy(1:2)); % Real reserved.
mred(i,2) = bin2dec(tmpy(3:end)); % Real Y.
mred(i,10) = bin2dec(tmpy(1)); % Real reserved.
mred(i,2) = bin2dec(tmpy(2:end)); % Real Y.
mred(i,10) = -1; % Reserved unknown.
mred(i,2) = bin2dec(tmpy); % Real Y.
The read() function works well for a given software which is implemented via C++. The software generates coordinates series in such a format. Then, I prepare a read() to get the information in the binary file generated by C++ software. Then, I want to implement the write() with Matlab in that format, but the read() fails to obtain what I had written to the binary file. Anybody help? Thanks.

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