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error from a relationship

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Mary292 2015년 2월 21일
댓글: Star Strider 2015년 3월 4일
oahfidsigbosga igoahaighaoeighoaw lagihsgibsohgaiesubg \suigh\seugbeisugi\seubvieu usgziseugbisu\bgzdbgz zgbzdsgubgisugziu fu\iesgi\eliueg\zjxbvkzsdbgi khifsohi\eg
  댓글 수: 1
Star Strider
Star Strider 2015년 3월 4일
Context: ‘Mary292’ originally asked how to determine the error with respect to a linear regression applied to perturbed data with a model derived from unperturbed data on the same system. The system was initially unperturbed (the first 2000 data pairs, on which the regression was performed), then perturbed.

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채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2015년 2월 21일
Your model is the linear regression of the first 2000 points. To get the model predictions for the rest of the data, ‘plug in’ the values for your independent variable for the rest of your data in your model. The output of your model are the predictions for those values. To get the error, subtract your predictions from the dependent variable data for those same values of the independent variable.
To illustrate:
x = linspace(0,200); % Create Data
y1 = 0.5*x(1:50) + 0.1*randn(1,50) + 1.2; % Create Data To Fit
y2 = 0.6*x(51:100) + 0.1*randn(1,50) + 1.5; % Create Data To Evaluate Error
b = polyfit(x(1:50), y1, 1); % Parameter Estimates
yfit = polyval(b, x); % Predict Entire Data Set
model_error = yfit - [y1 y2]; % Calculate Error
plot(x, [y1 y2], 'xr')
hold on
plot(x, yfit, '-b')
hold off
legend('Data', 'Model Fit', 'Location','SE')
  댓글 수: 5
Mary292 2015년 2월 22일
Thank you! You've been a great help
Star Strider
Star Strider 2015년 2월 22일
My pleasure! And thank you for the compliment!

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