HOW TO Collect Sensor Data using arduino and simulink

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
chfakht chfakht
chfakht chfakht 2015년 2월 13일
답변: chfakht chfakht 2015년 2월 16일
HELLO ALL, i need to Collect Sensor Data (from MPU6050) using arduino and simulink , the module must support code generation so i can deploy it into the arduino , i read that i can do this by writing dowwn an s-function .... but i do'nt know how i can do this please help me with any examples or any suggestions i have an ARDUINO UNO and MATLAB 2013b thanks ;

답변 (1개)

chfakht chfakht
chfakht chfakht 2015년 2월 16일


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