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how to bound voronoi polygons

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Mukesh Singh Bisht
Mukesh Singh Bisht 2022년 8월 1일
댓글: Bruno Luong 2022년 8월 1일
I have a set of data points inside a circle of given radius and I am trying to form the closed Voronoi polygons for each data point and then calculate the area of polygon so formed. The problem is with the outermost points. For these points, the voronoi polygon so formed are not bounded or in some case the polygon goes beyond the circle. How can I form a closed polygon for these outermost point? Please help
PS: I have attached the data set and the figures (Fig 1 & Fig 2)showing the voronoi polygons for this data set. The radius of circle is 3 unit. Fig 1 shows only the voronoi polygons and Fig 2 shows the corresponding location of data points over the voronoi polygon
X = xlsread('Data.xlsx', 'Sheet1','A2:A1823');
Y = xlsread('Data.xlsx', 'Sheet1','B2:B1823');
% Voronoi polygon area
[vv,cc] = voronoin([X Y]);
Ar = zeros(length(cc),1) ; % area
for i = 1:length(cc)
v1 = vv(cc{i},1); v2 = vv(cc{i},2);
Ar(i) = polyarea(v1,v2);

답변 (1개)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2022년 8월 1일
Transform the voronoi cells to polyshape object, you can then make the intersection of the region you want to use to clip (the big circle).
  댓글 수: 2
Mukesh Singh Bisht
Mukesh Singh Bisht 2022년 8월 1일
How can I convert the voronoi cells to polyshape obejct?
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2022년 8월 1일
Click on the link on polyshape I give above. Mostly you construct the object by giving the vertices coordinates.

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