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Solving 3 systems of pde using pdepe

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
University Glasgow
University Glasgow 2022년 7월 25일
댓글: University Glasgow 2022년 7월 28일
I have 2 sytems of PDEs as seen in the attached file. I transformed the systems into 3 systems of pde by letting w = \partial \theta/\partial z. Such that
\theta(z,t) = u(1)
w(z,t) = u(2)
v(z,t) = u(3)
\partial \theta/\partial z = dudx(1)
\partial w/partial z = dudx(2)
\partial v/\partial z = dudx(3)
Below is my trial code. I have also attached the systems of pde and the trial code. I want to plot v(z,t) and \theta(z,t).
Thank you.
% BC conditions:
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = bc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)
pl = [0; 0; 0];
ql = [1;1;1];
pr = pl
qr = ql;
%initial conditions
function u0 = init(x)
D = 0.0002
thetab = 0.0001
u0 = [thetab*sin(pi/D)*z ;0; 0];
% Next, we will define the function
function [c, f, s] = eq1(x, t, u, dudx)
% parameters.
k1 = 6*10^(-12);
eta1 = 0.0240;
apha3 = -0.001104;
gama1 = 0.1093;
% activity parameter
xi = 0.1;
% c, f and s values
c = [gama1;apha3; 0];
f = [k1*dudx(2)+ apha3*u(3); -eta1*dudx(3); 0];
s = [0;-xi*u(2); dudx(1) - u(2)];
% solving systems of PDE
% our problem in cartesian coordinates
m = 0;
% Effect along the river side
% Assume the distance along the river side is x
x= linspace(0, 1,50);
t = linspace(0, 10, 40);
sol = pdepe(m, @eq1, @init, @bc, x, t)
% Director angle
u1 = sol(:, :, 1);
% velocity flow
u2 = sol(:, :, 3);
%plot the solution
surf(x, t, u1)
title('Director angle')
view([150 25])
surf(x, t, u3)
title('velocity flow')
  댓글 수: 16
Torsten 2022년 7월 28일
I don't know if it's reasonable to solve the equations the way you try. I only changed the code that it might formally work.
You should search the literature for numerical approaches to solve the equations - standard approaches like yours will fail, I fear.
University Glasgow
University Glasgow 2022년 7월 28일
Sure I will, thank you.

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