How to define a path in saveas command?

조회 수: 273 (최근 30일)
M G 2011년 10월 6일
댓글: Jan 2021년 8월 30일
Hey Matlab users,
I've got a problem in defining a path for saveas command. When i want to save my Figure, the file is directly been saved in a path that is already on top of the command window in front of the "Current Folder". I tried to change the address by fname:
fname = 'D:\path1\path2';
But it didn't work!!!
I very much appreciate your hint :) Mehdi

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Jan 2011년 10월 6일
You have to consider the variable fname in the call of saveas:
fname = 'D:\path1\path2';
saveas(gca, fullfile(fname, filename), 'jpeg');
I assume "fpath" would be more meaningful than "fname".
  댓글 수: 7
Marcus Tan
Marcus Tan 2021년 8월 29일
Currently the saving is only saving .eea file. what i trying to do in this project is trying to plot the signals from .eea file format transform them to fig file format then i trying to save the fig file format to .bmp. Kindly advise. Thank you
Jan 2021년 8월 30일
for i=1:length(file_list)
filename = file_list{i}; % Now filename contains the .eea extension.
... % Your code
FolderName = 'C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\FYP 2021\Matlab (Proj)\Channels Split (STFT)\Schizophrenia (Combine Channels)';
[~, file] = fileparts(filename); % Remove extension
saveas(gca, fullfile(FolderName, [file, '.bmp']); % Append .bmp

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추가 답변 (1개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2011년 10월 6일
You can either change directory to the directory you want to save it in, or you can specify the directory
  댓글 수: 2
Wayne King
Wayne King 2011년 10월 6일
Also if you want to define your figures directory
figuresdir = 'D:\figures\';
saveas(gcf,strcat(figuresdir, 'filename'), 'jpeg');
adams13 2021년 1월 12일
Instead of 'strcat' it is better to use the 'fullfile' function because it will handle the file separator and will work in different operating systems (will place correctly '\' in Windows, '/' in Linux etc.)
saveas(gcf, fullfile(figuresdir, 'filename'), 'jpeg');

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