- Aggregate Audio Device (macOS): If using macOS system, create an Aggregate Device using the Audio MIDI Setup utility. This allows to combine multiple audio interfaces into one virtual device that can be selected within MATLAB. Once the Aggregate Device is set up, access it in MATLAB using “audioplayer” function.
- ASIO Drivers (Windows): On Windows systems, some audio interfaces support ASIO drivers, which can sometimes allow multiple interfaces from the same manufacturer to be combined into a single ASIO device. Use the “playrec” function in MATLAB to access the ASIO device.
- MATLAB Audio Toolbox: MATLAB's Audio Toolbox provides advanced functionality for audio processing and might offer ways to manage multiple devices.
- audioplayer- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/audioplayer.html?searchHighlight=audioplayer&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_audioplayer
- playrec- https://www.mathworks.com/help/audio/ref/audioplayerrecorder-system-object.html?searchHighlight=playrec&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_playrec
- Audio Toolbox- https://www.mathworks.com/help/audio/index.html?searchHighlight=audio%20toolbox&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_1_audio%20toolbox