Creating .mat from images

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
S C.Carl
S C.Carl 2022년 6월 11일
편집: S C.Carl 2022년 6월 13일
I want to run the following codes.
load('DatasColor_38.mat','DATA'); % to load the dataset
% the information to split data between training and test set
DIV = DATA{3};
DIM1 = DATA{4};
DIM2 = DATA{5};
lab = DATA{2}; % label
NX = DATA{1}; % cell array that stores the image
fold=1; % in this example only the first fold has been used
trainPattern = (DIV(fold, 1:DIM1)); % id of the training patterns
testPattern = (DIV(fold, DIM1+1:DIM2)); % id of the test patterns
y = lab(DIV(fold, 1:DIM1)); % label of the training set
labelTE = lab(DIV(fold, DIM1+1:DIM2)); % label of the test set
numClasses = max(y);
siz=[224 224]; % input size of ResNet50
% build training set
clear nome trainingImages
for pattern = 1:DIM1 % for all the images
IM = NX{DIV(fold,pattern)}; % image
IM = imresize(IM,[siz(1) siz(2)]);
trainingImages(:,:,:,pattern) = IM;
DIM = length(y); % number of images of the training set
% buid testing set
for pattern = ceil(DIM1)+1:ceil(DIM2)
IM = NX{DIV(fold,pattern)};
IM = imresize(IM,[siz(1) siz(2)]);
testImages(:,:,:,pattern-ceil(DIM1)) = uint8(IM);
In the above codes, the value of DIM is 880, and trainingImages : 224 x 224 x 3 x 880 uint8 array
The DATA in the above code is => DATA: 1x5 cell array = {1x1320 cell} {[111111.....]} {3x1320 double} {880} {[1320]} )
The output of whos(matfile('DatasColor_38.mat')) is
>> whos(matfile('DatasColor_38.mat'))
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
DATA 1x5 40590638 cell
But, I could not create the .mat file from our 10000 images which will be classified into 7 classes.
Could you please write the codes that can construct the .mat file (from 10000 images to classify into 7 classes) to use in the above codes
These codes can create a .mat file called "db2.mat". However, it has a different format from the "DatasColor_38.mat".
So, I can not use it in the above codes. Please help :((
myFolder = 'C:\Users\Desktop\IMG_Folder\nv';
filePattern = fullfile(myFolder, '*.jpg');
jpegFiles = dir(filePattern);
DATA = cell(1,10000);
for k = 1:length(jpegFiles)
baseFileName = jpegFiles(k).name;
fullFileName = fullfile(myFolder, baseFileName);
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);
imageArray= imread(fullFileName);
DATA{k} = imageArray;
save db2.mat DATA;
  댓글 수: 11
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 6월 12일
The usual way, at at least one of the most common ways, is to put all yhour images of a certain class into a folder named for that class. Then you can use the labels = foldernames option when you setup the imageDatastore which is used to train the network.
S C.Carl
S C.Carl 2022년 6월 13일
편집: S C.Carl 2022년 6월 13일
Thank you Image Analyst and all

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