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Groupcount function sort data in alphabetical order

조회 수: 17 (최근 30일)
Gianluca Regina
Gianluca Regina 2022년 6월 8일
댓글: Jan 2022년 6월 9일
Dear MatLab users,
I have a cell array (attached) containing the IDs of my events. I used the groupcount function to see how many instances and how many events I had, and everything seemed to work fine. However, I just found out that the resulting variable containing the events sorted the data in alphabetical order. Thus, the counting also refers to the modified order, which is something I do not want. I managed to find the instances manually, but I also need the list in the original order. Is there a way to do using the groupcount function?
[ N , EVENTS ] = groupcounts(event_id); % EVENTS are in alphabetical order

채택된 답변

Jan 2022년 6월 8일
편집: Jan 2022년 6월 8일
% groupcounts sorts the input:
C = {'C', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'A', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'B'}.';
[N, EVENTS] = groupcounts(C)
N = 4×1
2 1 3 4
EVENTS = 4×1 cell array
{'A'} {'B'} {'C'} {'E'}
% Let N and EVENTS have the same order as in C:
[~, iC] = unique(C); % [EDITED, bug fixed]
[~, q] = sort(iC);
[sN, sEVENTS] = groupcounts(C);
N = sN(q)
N = 4×1
3 2 4 1
EVENTS = 4×1 cell array
{'C'} {'A'} {'E'} {'B'}
If the equal keys are guaranteed to be neighboring:
% Call this instead of GROUPCOUNTS to keep the order
function [n, b] = RunLength_CStr(x)
x = x(:);
nx = numel(x);
d = [true; ~strcmp(x(1:nx-1), x(2:nx))]; % TRUE if values change
b = x(d); % Elements without repetitions
n = diff(find([d.', true])); % Number of repetitions
  댓글 수: 4
Gianluca Regina
Gianluca Regina 2022년 6월 8일
I apologize, as I was writing that it didn't work (the old code gave the same results of groupcounts, so still no alphabetical order) you edited the answer and added the function, which at first glance is not immediate to understand (at least for me). Nonetheless, your code works perfectly now, thank you very much!
Jan 2022년 6월 9일
There is no need for apologies. You are the only person who needs this function and I spend my time voluntarily to find solutions. Questions for clarifications are a standard part of solving problems.
I'm happy, if it is working now :-)

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