Any matlab codes for UAV trajectory generation for randomly distributed moving ground users, using any reference datasets

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hello Mathwork Community,
I need a help to draw the trajectory of UAV based on the ground users mobility in cognitive Radio network in matlab. I need any reference/source codes that can be used to draw the trajectory of UAV based on the ground users mobility. I will be thankful if someone shares the informations or data in this regards.
Kind Regards!

답변 (4개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 6월 3일
I suggest that you use animatedline() to draw the trajectory.
If you create a scatter() of the user locations and you record the handle returned by scatter(), then you can update the XData and YData properties of the handle in order to move the users efficiently.
Your question does not include any information about how to decide where to move the UAV

Khalid Khan
Khalid Khan 2022년 6월 3일
@Walter Roberson, Thank you for your prompt response,
actually I am trying to draw the trajectory but not able to do so the code is below
% Set the random number generator seed, for reproducibility
rng default
% Number of iterations to run the algorithm
NITER = 10;
% Number of seconds to pause after each figure
% Fixed circle parameters
% x0 = [100 450 500 650 900 900 800]';
% y0 = [700 200 600 500 400 100 850]';
% Number of users
NUSERS = 50; % <--- Change this to 200
for ni = 1:NITER
k = 0;
userCircle = randi(NCIRCLES,NUSERS,1);
usersPerCircle = histcounts(userCircle,1:NCIRCLES+1)';
% circleRadius = sqrt(usersPerCircle);
circleRadius = 10*sqrt(usersPerCircle);
circleRadius_max = 10*ceil(max(circleRadius*0.1)); % rounded to upper ten's
min_gap = 3*circleRadius_max; % min gap between groups - adapt factor here (min = 2)
axis square
grid on;
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
axis([0 1000 0 1000])
fontSize = 10;
xlabel('Position X (1000m)', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('Position Y (1000m)', 'FontSize', fontSize);
title('Random Users Within Circles', 'FontSize', fontSize);
axis([0 1000 0 1000])
hold on
% create random values for circles position
a = randi([circleRadius_max,1000-circleRadius_max],NCIRCLES,2);
x0 = a(:,1);
y0 = a(:,2);
d0 = sqrt((x0-x0').^2 + (y0-y0').^2);
min_d0 = min(d0(d0>0));
while min_d0 <= min_gap % retry with new data if condition of gap distance is not met
a = randi([circleRadius_max,1000-circleRadius_max],NCIRCLES,2);
x0 = a(:,1);
y0 = a(:,2);
d0 = sqrt((x0-x0').^2 + (y0-y0').^2);
min_d0 = min(d0(d0>0));
k = k+1;
k % shows iterations amount to get a new valid set of coordinates that fullfil the required gap distance
for nc = 1:NCIRCLES
tnc = 2*pi*rand(usersPerCircle(nc),1);
% rnc = 10*circleRadius(nc)*rand(usersPerCircle(nc),1);
rnc = circleRadius(nc)*rand(usersPerCircle(nc),1);
x = x0(nc) + rnc.*cos(tnc);
y = y0(nc) + rnc.*sin(tnc);
h = plot(x,y,".");
hold off

Khalid Khan
Khalid Khan 2022년 6월 3일
@Walter Roberson, would like to help me in this regards
I mean I am new to matlab, I need to generate the UAV and then follow these users mobility to plot the trajectory of UAV based on the mobility of these users.
I will be very grateful for this as I am trying but not able to draw the trajectory of UAV.
Kind Regards

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 6월 3일
ux = randi(100);
uy = randi(100);
L = animatedline(ux, uy);
xlim([0 100])
ylim([0 100])
for K = 1 : 100
ux = ux + randi([-15 15]);
uy = uy + randi([-15 15]);
addpoints(L, ux, uy);
... using animatedline just like I said originally
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 6월 3일
See also

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