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Add phrase to string if condition is true

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Christopher Schoß
Christopher Schoß 2022년 5월 5일
편집: Walter Roberson 2022년 5월 6일
I have a probleming coding a string, here is my current code:
int i = 4;
String[] testString = new String[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
testString[j] = String.valueOf("test"+(j+1));
model.set("input", testString);
which is resulting in:
model.set("input", "test1", "test2", "test3");
Now I want to extend the code and print just an additional testX if a corresponding condition is true and every testX has a different condition with previous defined parameters like:
condition for test1: parameter1<parameter2
condition for test2: parameter2<parameter3
condition for test3: parameter4>parameter3
For example if condition 2 is not true the result should be:
model.set("input", "test1", "test3");
I would appreciate any help here!!
Thank you!

채택된 답변

Mitch Lautigar
Mitch Lautigar 2022년 5월 5일
int i = 4;
String[] testString = new String[i];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
testString[j] = String.valueOf("test"+(j+1));
model.set("input", testString);
This code is either C/C++ and I have not seen this syntax used in programming MATLAB. However, in an attempt to help you, the logic i'd suggest is to make sure test_string is actually saving as a string array. C/C++ don't tend to like a variable changing memory size during the code running. See if that helps, and if it doesn't, comment again and i'll see what I can do to further help you.
  댓글 수: 6
Christopher Schoß
Christopher Schoß 2022년 5월 6일
I think you mean add:
testString = cellstr(output_str);
Thank you!
Christopher Schoß
Christopher Schoß 2022년 5월 6일
Now I got it:
output = strjoin(output_str,'","');
Thank you :)

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