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Using vertcat for cell array of differing length

조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
L'O.G. 2022년 5월 4일
편집: Jonas 2022년 5월 4일
I have a 3 x 2 cell array consisting of elements that are vectors 1 x N where N changes. How do I find the vector of minimum length in the cell array and vertically concatenate based on the length of that vector?
  댓글 수: 2
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2022년 5월 4일
Can you show the data?
Jonas 2022년 5월 4일
편집: Jonas 2022년 5월 4일
it also depends, if you want the minimum length per cell column or if you want all vectors to be cut down to the smallest vector length of all cells. start with
to get a matrix of vector lengths, then continue with eg
cellWithCutEntries=cellfun(@(in) in(1:minLength),yourCell)
and a
call at the end
this concatenates all vectors off all cells using the minimum length

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답변 (1개)

KSSV 2022년 5월 4일
편집: KSSV 2022년 5월 4일
% Make dummy data for demo
A = cell(3,2) ;
for i = 1:3
for j = 1:2
N = randperm(10,1) ;
A{i,j} = rand(1,N) ;
% Get length
L = cellfun(@numel,A) ;
% Join L < 5 arrays
idx = L < 5 ; % GEt indices of cell arrays whos length is less than 5
B = A(idx) ;
iwant = horzcat(B{:}) % join the cell arrays


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