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How to loop a script?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
sittmo 2022년 4월 2일
답변: Image Analyst 2022년 4월 2일
Let's say I have a script named "Setup.m" which simply loads in 10 datasets (that are named data_1.csv, data_2.csv, etc) through csvread as follows:
Source_data{4,k} = csvread(sprintf('data_%d.csv',k));
Now, I want to run this script through a for loop using a master script (called "Master.m") as follows:
for k = 1:10;
run Setup
But I get the error: "Unrecognized function or variable 'k'."
How can I get the index k to be recognized through the master script?

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 4월 2일
setup.m would look like this:
% Read 10 CSV files into Source_data
Source_data = cell(4, 10);
for k = 1 : 10
baseFileName = sprintf('data_%d.csv',k)
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, baseFileName);
if isfile(fullFileName)
Source_data{4,k} = csvread(fullFileName);
Master.m would look like this:
You would have no access to Source_data in Master.m unless you made setup.m a function and returned it, like this:
% setup.m
% Read 10 CSV files into Source_data
function Source_data = setup()
Source_data = cell(4, 10);
for k = 1 : 10
baseFileName = sprintf('data_%d.csv',k)
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, baseFileName);
Source_data{4,k} = csvread(fullFileName);
and Master.m would look like this:
Source_data = setup;

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