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How to compare the contents of two tables?

조회 수: 31 (최근 30일)
Sehoon Chang
Sehoon Chang 2022년 3월 23일
답변: Voss 2022년 3월 23일
I have two tables to compare. One is from this month (Feb.) and the other from the previous month (Jan.)
tab_jan =
Country ID Name Technology Status x_OfTechnology Capacity
_______ ____ ____ __________ ______ ______________ ________
'AAA' 1001 'a' 'BB' 'C1' 1 10
'AAA' 1002 'b' 'AA' 'C1' 4 24
'AAA' 1003 'c' 'BB' 'C2' 5 30
'AAA' 1004 'd' 'AA' 'C3' 4 20
'AAA' 1005 'e' 'AA' 'C4' 10 35
'AAA' 1006 'f' 'AA' 'C5' 8 40
tab_feb =
Country ID Name Technology Status x_OfTechnology Capacity
_______ ____ ____ __________ ______ ______________ ________
'AAA' 1008 'h' 'CC' 'C1' 1 2
'AAA' 1007 'g' 'AA' 'C1' 3 9
'AAA' 1001 'a' 'BB' 'C2' 1 10
'AAA' 1003 'c' 'BB' 'C2' 4 24
'AAA' 1004 'd' 'AA' 'C3' 4 20
'AAA' 1005 'e' 'AA' 'C4' 10 35
'AAA' 1006 'f' 'AA' 'C5' 8 40
Compared to January, on February following things happened:
  • Project a (ID: 1001) moved up to C2
  • Project b (ID: 1002) got deleted
  • Project c (ID: 1003) capacity decreased due to drecrease in number of technology
  • Project g (ID: 1007) got added as a new C1 project
  • Project h (ID: 1008) got added as a new C1 project and as a new Technology CC
How may I proceed with the comparison of the presented tables to obtain the list of changes as the result?

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Voss 2022년 3월 23일
Here is something that will print changes in the tables to the command-line:
tab_jan = readtable('jan.csv');
tab_feb = readtable('feb.csv');
% deleted projects:
[is_extant,idx_in_feb] = ismember(tab_jan.ID,tab_feb.ID);
if any(~is_extant)
fprintf('Projects Deleted between Jan and Feb:\n');
Projects Deleted between Jan and Feb:
Country ID Name Technology Status x_OfTechnology Capacity _______ ____ _____ __________ ______ ______________ ________ {'AAA'} 1002 {'b'} {'AA'} {'C1'} 4 24
% newly added projects:
added_idx = ~ismember(tab_feb.ID,tab_jan.ID);
if any(added_idx)
fprintf('Projects Added between Jan and Feb:\n');
Projects Added between Jan and Feb:
Country ID Name Technology Status x_OfTechnology Capacity _______ ____ _____ __________ ______ ______________ ________ {'AAA'} 1008 {'h'} {'CC'} {'C1'} 1 2 {'AAA'} 1007 {'g'} {'AA'} {'C1'} 3 9
% changed projects:
no_changes = true;
props = tab_jan.Properties.VariableNames;
format_prefix = 'Project %s (ID: %d) ''%s'' changed: ';
for ii = 1:height(tab_jan)
if ~is_extant(ii)
args = {tab_jan{ii,'Name'}{1},tab_jan{ii,'ID'},[],[],[]};
for jj = 1:numel(props)
if isequal(tab_jan{ii,jj},tab_feb{idx_in_feb(ii),jj})
args(3:5) = { ...
props{jj}, ...
tab_jan{ii,jj}, ...
tab_feb{idx_in_feb(ii),jj} ...
if iscell(tab_jan{ii,jj})
args{4} = args{4}{1};
args{5} = args{5}{1};
my_format = [format_prefix '%s -> %s\n'];
my_format = [format_prefix '%d -> %d\n'];
if no_changes
fprintf('Projects Changed between Jan and Feb:\n');
no_changes = false;
Projects Changed between Jan and Feb:
Project a (ID: 1001) 'Status' changed: C1 -> C2 Project c (ID: 1003) 'x_OfTechnology' changed: 5 -> 4 Project c (ID: 1003) 'Capacity' changed: 30 -> 24

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