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How to overcome the data length issue in the following code?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
muhammad choudhry
muhammad choudhry 2022년 3월 10일
댓글: Image Analyst 2022년 3월 10일
I have 2 excel files named TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx and Head_Timestamps.xlsx. In file one: TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx column 1 have a Timestamps and column 2 have the velocity data. In file two: column 1 have a Timestamps and column 2 have the Head data. I want to use TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx file and all of its Timestamps to find the similar or the nearest Timestamps in the Head_Timestamps.xlsx hence on matching plot the corresponding data (head/Uy) hence save the timestamp, head, and Uy into new xlsx or csv file. I have tried the intern1 function so far in which I am having problem because in file Head_Timestamps.xlsx there are more data then the TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx. I am pasting the code and error below?
close all; clear all; clc;
Uy_dir = 'F:\3-PIV_Experimental_Data\Outlet_110\Data_LaserSheet_D\Data_PIV\5-AverageFilter_VelocitiesExtration\Point_Velocities\Uy\TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx';
a = readmatrix(Uy_dir);
Head_dir = 'F:\3-PIV_Experimental_Data\Outlet_110\Data_LaserSheet_D\Data_Head\Data_Raw\Head_Timestamps.xlsx';
a1 = readmatrix(Head_dir);
h_u = interp1(h,u,time_stamp_u)
Error using interp1>reshapeAndSortXandV (line 445)
X and V must be of the same length.
Error in interp1 (line 128)
[X,V,orig_size_v] = reshapeAndSortXandV(X,V);

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 3월 10일
"I have 2 excel files named TimeStamps_Uy.xlsx and Head_Timestamps.xlsx." Yes, you have them, but we don't because you forgot to attach them.
h and u are not the same lengths. What are the sizes of those arrays
  댓글 수: 2
muhammad choudhry
muhammad choudhry 2022년 3월 10일
Hi, I have attached the files.
size(h) = 152x1
size(time_stamp_h) = 152x1
size(u) =45x1
size(time_stamp_u) =45x1
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 3월 10일
See -- h and u have different lengths. You need to pass in the full x first, then the full y, then the x values that you want the interpolated values for the third argument. So the full x and y must be the full signal that you have and must be the same length since you have a y for every x.

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