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Stacked bar graph with repeating datetime

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Briana Bellomo
Briana Bellomo 2022년 2월 16일
편집: AndresVar 2022년 2월 16일
I am trying to create a stacked bar graph from data extracted from an excel file. The X-values are in datetime ('yyyy-mmm-dd') and the y values are just different frequency written as integers.
I keep getting an error because the XData are not unique. However, I don't know how else to extract this data.
An example of what the table output is:
2020-Jan-03 1
2020-Jan-03 3
2020-Feb-04 5
2020-Feb-04 1
2020-Feb-04 4
How can I get a stacked bar graph out of this data?
clear all;
T = readtable(['Project1.xlsx']);
date = T.Date;
date1 = date(~isnat(date));
FeltN = T.Felt;
Felt = FeltN(~isnan(FeltN));
  댓글 수: 1
AndresVar 2022년 2월 16일
There are a couple of answers to your question but I wonder a couple of things:
(1) You should check for nan on both variables at the same time (in case date is missing but there is a value)
(2) If you had time data you could plot distributions and a line on top to show the total for each day. Sort of how the iphone's screentime charts look.

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답변 (2개)

Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq 2022년 2월 16일
A=readtable('Project1.xlsx', 'PreserveVariableNames', 0);
B = regexp(table2array(A), '\s+', 'split'); % split each cell
C = vertcat(B{:});
date1=C(:,1); % date column
dd=datenum(date1); % converting to datenum
Felt=str2double(C(:,2)); % data
table=[dd Felt];
[x y z]=unique(table(:,1)); % to find the equal number
x1=datetime(x,'ConvertFrom', 'datenum', 'TimeZone','local','Format','dd-MMM-yyyy');
trans1=[array1(:,2)',0]; % transpose and adding 0 to make vector equal with other vector
trans2=array2(:,2)'; % transpose

AndresVar 2022년 2월 16일
You need to reorder your data into a matrix with shape "Number of Unique Dates" by "Maximum Measurements on Any Date"
Something like this could work.
dates = {'2020-Jan-03';
Freqs = [1 2 5 1 4]';
% assuming you removed the nans...
% table with dates and frequencies
dates = datetime(dates);
T = table(dates,Freqs);
T = sortrows(T,"dates") % sorted table by date
T = 5×2 table
dates Freqs ___________ _____ 03-Jan-2020 1 03-Jan-2020 2 04-Feb-2020 5 04-Feb-2020 1 04-Feb-2020 4
% date categories
[date_categories,~,ic] = unique(T.dates);
% categorize frequencies and store in Freqs_byDate
[~,maxValsPerDate] = mode(ic);
nUniqueDates = numel(date_categories);
Freqs_byDate = zeros(nUniqueDates,maxValsPerDate);
for ii = 1:nUniqueDates
Freqs_onDate = T.Freqs(T.dates==date_categories(ii));
  댓글 수: 3
Briana Bellomo
Briana Bellomo 2022년 2월 16일
Thank you very much! This worked for me as I already removed the NaN and NaT from the dataset. Thanks again!
AndresVar 2022년 2월 16일
편집: AndresVar 2022년 2월 16일
@Arif Hoq to answer your question
1) Yes the loop runs for each unique date, the first time Freqs_onDate = [1;2] the second time it's [5;1;4]. Each time the loop runs it populates a single row in the Freqs_byDate matrix.
2) Since Freqs_onDate is 1D and a row in Freqs_byDate is also 1D, the assignment happens element-by-element. Even though they are different shape they are 1D vectors with same lenght.

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