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gui error

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
pawan kumar
pawan kumar 2011년 9월 22일
this programme is for flatfire trajectory of projectile,i solved it using odesolver(ode45)with event location;i made its gui by dirrectly drag and drop buttons from options and linked this programme in to the gui programme with pushbutton. i define function which odesolver will call just above the pushbutton and put the solver programmme inside the push button. i am taking some input from user which is being used in the programme .so that after pressing button it can execute the programme.but i found an error.if i simply(not from gui) run this programme from .m file it doesn't give error.this is the error which command window is showing;
??? Reference to a cleared variable handles.
Error in ==> guiflatfiredragwind>pushbutton1_Callback at 257 v0 = str2num(get(handles.edit1,'String'));
this is the programme which i have defined, function [value,isterminal,dircn] = fnflatfiredragwind(t,c,flag,w1,w2,w3,k) g = 9.8; % c(1) = x; c(2) = dx/dt = vx ; c(3) = y ; c(4) = dy/dt = vy ; c(5) = w % c(6) = dc/dt = vc
if nargin<7 isempty(flag)
value = [c(2); -k*(c(2)-w1)^2; c(4); (-k*(c(2)-w1)*(c(4)-w2))-g; c(6); -k*(c(2)-w1)*(c(6)-w3)];
switch flag
case 'events'
value = c(3);
isterminal = 1;
dircn = 0;
error('function not programmed for this event');
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
disp('programme for simple trajectory using ode solver') % here tspan is the approximation time for the event occur i-e y = 0; tspan = [0 10]; % for the graph should be smooth time approximation must be near flight % time
v0 = str2num(get(handles.edit1,'String'));
theta = str2num(get(handles.edit2,'String'));
w1 = str2num(get(handles.edit3,'String'));
w2 = str2num(get(handles.edit4,'String'));
w3 = str2num(get(handles.edit5,'String'));
k = str2num(get(handles.edit6,'String'));
c0 = [0; v0*cos(theta); 1; v0*sin(theta); 0; 0];
options = odeset('events','on');
[t,c,te,ze,ie] = ode45('fnflatfiredragwind',tspan,c0,options,w1,w2,w3,k);
how will i solve this problem; reply soon, thanks pawan kumar
  댓글 수: 1
Jan 2011년 9월 22일
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답변 (1개)

Jan 2011년 9월 22일
The error message seems to be descriptive:
??? Reference to a cleared variable handles.
Error in ==> guiflatfiredragwind>pushbutton1_Callback at 257
v0 = str2num(get(handles.edit1,'String'));
Obviously the variable handles is out of date. The description "if i simply (not from gui) run this programme from .m file" is not precise enough to find the cause of this problem. I suggest to use the debugger:
dbstop if error
Then Matlab stops, if the problem occurs and you can inspect the current variables.


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