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How to align xml file?

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg 2022년 1월 25일
답변: Shimon Elkin 2022년 2월 14일
I'm using
import matlab.io.xml.dom.*
doc_A = parseFile(Parser , file_A_fullPath);
doc_B = parseFile(Parser , file_B_fullPath);
to copy a Node from file_A to file_B.
I'm doing this by:
  1. find an existing Node in B, and remove it.
  2. import Node from A to B.
  3. append Node to B
besically it's working, BUT:
1) after removing the Node from B, I got an empty line. Can this be removed? (I know that xml doesn't care about, just for visual clarity)
2) after appending Node to B, the Node is "not properly closed", so when running it multiple time, I get a visual mixup. please see attached pics.
can this be aligned somehow? I mean, basically I'd like to do somesort of "\n" (finish line) after each appendChild action. (ModuleType)
can someone explain please the difference between readxml function and the above method?
DOMnode = xmlread(xmlfile);
docRootNode = getDocumentElement(DOMnode);
how can I use importChild , appendChild , removeChild with DOMnode and/or docRootNode?

답변 (1개)

Shimon Elkin
Shimon Elkin 2022년 2월 14일
you can find the answer to the white space question, this is a limitation of the Saxon XML processor at the link, https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/94189-why-does-xmlread-introduce-extra-whitespace-into-my-xml-file [mathworks.com].
as for the second question you can use the script below:
import matlab.io.xml.dom.*
import matlab.io.xml.xpath.*
docA = parseFile(Parser,'a.xml');
config = evaluate(Evaluator,'/Configuration',docA);
modType = evaluate(Evaluator,'ModuleType',config);
writer = DOMWriter;
writer.Configuration.FormatPrettyPrint = true;
function stripEmptyTextNodes(node)
import matlab.io.xml.dom.*
nodelist = getChildNodes(node);
i = 0;
while i < getLength(nodelist)
child = item(nodelist,i);
if getNodeType(child) == node.TEXT_NODE
if isempty(strtrim(getTextContent(child)))
i = i-1;
i = i+1;


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