Using temperature and pressure data to estimate antoine coefficients for glycerol

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
I am trying to estimate the antoine coefficients using the nlinfit function form the statistics toolbox, I am getting some errors when trying to run this code, could somebody please help me get this to work and estimate the antoine coefficients i would really appreciate it.
antoine = @(T,p) (log10(p) - A + B/(T+C));
beta0 = [3.93737,1411.531,-200.566];
beta = [A,B,C];
beta = nlinfit(T,p,antoine,beta0);
Error using nlinfit (line 213)
Error evaluating model function '@(T,p)(log10(p)-A+B/(T+C))'.
Error in Temperatureconversion (line 55)
beta = nlinfit(T,p,antoine,beta0);
Caused by:
Error using /
Matrix dimensions must agree.

답변 (2개)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 1월 10일
Since both variable are present in the objective function equation, nlinfit (or lsqcurvefit) are not really good choices for this.
A regular optimization function (such as fminsearch) would work best. (There are other optionis, however everyone has fminsearch.)
% % % DATA MATRIX MAPPING — T = Tp(:,1), p = Tp(:,2)
Tp = [270:10:320; rand(1,6)].'; % Data Matrix
% % % ANTOINE FUNCTION MAPPING — b(1) = A, b(2) = B, b(3) = C
antoine = @(b,Tp) (log10(Tp(:,2)) - b(1) + b(2)/(Tp(:,1)+b(3)));
beta0 = [3.93737,1411.531,-200.566];
[beta,fv] = fminsearch(@(b)norm(antoine(b,Tp)), beta0);
fprintf('A =\t%10.4f\nB =\t%10.4f\nC =\t%10.4f\nfv =\t%10.4f',[beta,fv])
A = -0.3592 B = 5207.9099 C = 5645.6692 fv = 2.1267
Having the actual data would produce the best results, however the created data demonstrate that the approach works.
  댓글 수: 11
Torsten 2022년 1월 10일
in my physical chemistry labs as an undergraduate our values were often quite good and gave a good fit to the functions with little error
Lucky you !
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022년 1월 10일
We were just compulsive! All of us were doing out best to get into med school, so every little bit helped.

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Torsten 2022년 1월 10일
antoine = @(b,T) 10.^( b(1) + b(2)./(T+b(3)));
beta0 = [3.93737,1411.531,-200.566];
beta = nlinfit(T,p,antoine,beta0)
  댓글 수: 5
Torsten 2022년 1월 10일
nlinfit starts to evaluate antoine with beta0.
To see what happens, try
vec = antoine(beta0,T)
before you call nlinfit.
Take care that all elements in "vec" are real numbers (no infinity or NaN) by varying beta0.

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