least square fitting and phase shift

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Vipin Mohan
Vipin Mohan 2014년 11월 4일
답변: Sami Gernaz 2016년 12월 10일
Hi, I have few doubts in Least square curve fitting and phase shift in Matlab !!
Here is my problem !
I have 100 values data for time and current (which is not pure sinusoidal, slightly increasing in time). I have to make a least square fitted curve out of these data.
1. what is the significance of initial values ('x0')giving in the 'lsqcurvefit'?
2. How can I give the initial values x0=[x(1) x(2) x(3)], where x(1) =dc offset, x(2) =amplitude of sine, x(3)=phase shift ? Because it is the current signal which we are going to find out, so how can we predict this one step before !!
> Equation I selected is ' x(1)+x(2)*sin(2*pi*100*t+x(3)) '
3. If I am not wrong , we are optimizing the values given to the 'x0', pls correct me if I am wrong.
4. Does the 'output' values give an optimized value for x(1),x(2),x(3) ?
5. Does the x(3) from 'output' give the phase shift of current to voltage ?
6. Does the x(1)+x(2) from 'output' of last period give the maximum value of the current ?
My ultimate aim is to find the phase shift ! (Im not using FFT)
Here is my code .
'data' has 3 columns, Time, Current, Voltage
T= data{1} ; % time 100 values for 10 periods
I= data{2} ; % current 100 values
V= data{3} ; % voltage 100 values (sine voltage)
L2_T=T(end-19:end); % time points in last 2 periods
L2_I=I(end-19:end); % current points in last 2 periods (selected bcy which are more sinusoidal than previous periods)
L2_V=V(end-19:end); % voltage points in last 2 periods (sine voltage)
options = optimset('Display','off');
x0 = [5 1 pi/3 ] ; % initial values for lease sqr fit
F = @(x,xdata) x(1)+x(2)*sin(2*pi*100*xdata+x(3)); % least sq SINE
output = lsqcurvefit(F,x0,L2_T,L2_I,[],[],options); % least sq result
time = L2_T(1)+1e-7 :1e-7:L2_T(end); % to make the least sq current more smooth and for close fitting
Lst_sq_I=F(output,time );
You can suggest any other method for more precise result.!

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2014년 11월 4일
편집: Matt J 2014년 11월 4일
The significance of the initial guess x0 is to help lsqcurvefit decide where to start its iterative search for the minimum of the least squares cost function. The cost function is non-convex in your case, so choosing a good initial approximate x0 of the final solution can be essential to helping the iterations avoid local minima.
Your code looks fine, except that I don't know how you decided on your initial guess x0=[5 1 pi/3 ]. If you know a priori that these values are pretty close to what the final values should be, then fine. But, for the curve equation you've shown, it should be possible to derive an initial guess more systematically, e.g,
phase=asin((ydata(i0)-avg)./peak); %where i0 corresponds to time t=0
x0=[avg, peak, phase];
  댓글 수: 5
Vipin Mohan
Vipin Mohan 2014년 11월 7일
편집: Vipin Mohan 2014년 11월 7일
Thanx Matt, In ur previous comment
Whats it physical meaning.
Inverse sine gives the arc length. but whats the use dividing the first mean value with peak !! whats it actually meant!!
Matt J
Matt J 2014년 11월 7일
편집: Matt J 2014년 11월 7일
As you can see from
x0=[avg, peak, phase];
the variables avg, peak, and phase are estimates of x(1),x(2),x(3) respectively. The estimate of the phase comes from writing your original model equation at t=0
and solving for x(3),

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추가 답변 (1개)

Sami Gernaz
Sami Gernaz 2016년 12월 10일
hi Mohan, I'm trying to run your script in Matlab but it is not working any help plz? still new to matlab. thank you


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