How to turn column y and row x vector into a matrix

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
noname 2021년 12월 14일
답변: Steven Lord 2021년 12월 14일
Given: x = randn(1,20); y = randn(1,30);
I want to create a matrix B using x as row and y is column. I don't think B = y'.*x is correct since I want all the values are independently from x and y . Thanks!

답변 (1개)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2021년 12월 14일
How exactly should element B(r, c) be computed from the elements of x and y?
Rather than using random data, let x = 1:5 and y = 6:11. Show us the B matrix that those two vectors should generate and exactly the rule you follow in generating say B(2, 4).
If the elements in B aren't supposed to be related to the elements in x and y, and you just want to use x and y to indicate the size of the random B matrix to be created:
x = 1:5;
y = 6:11;
B = rand(numel(x), numel(y))
B = 5×6
0.9665 0.7759 0.4553 0.4837 0.9686 0.6334 0.2979 0.7615 0.6279 0.5339 0.4268 0.8626 0.8913 0.2618 0.1315 0.9079 0.6792 0.0591 0.4045 0.7560 0.9941 0.0921 0.9330 0.2042 0.3994 0.7670 0.8285 0.4071 0.4377 0.9883


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